The Basic Statistics with RStudio course will be held at Campus UAB on April 16, 18, 23 and 25, 2024, from 10:00 to 13:30.


R is a free and open program ( that is increasingly establishing itself as the most widely used statistical package in research and university education, although it is currently present in the business sector. Failure to provide a menu-based environment makes it has a slower learning curve, but once overcome makes it an excellent tool for statistical analysis, programming functions and graphical representation of results.

The Basic Statistics with RStudio Course is designed with a practical purpose to learn the basic operations of R, its syntax, as well as an introduction to basic statistics. The necessary syntax will be provided for the student to replicate and explore. Emphasis will be placed on the implementation and interpretation of results in RStudio.

To take this course, the assistant must use his own laptop.


Anabel Blasco – Training Area Coordinator SEA, UAB

Ester Boixadera – Statistical Consultant Mathematics department, UAB

Oliver Valero – Statistical Consultant Mathematics department, UAB

Ana Vázquez – Statistical Consultant SEA, UAB

Course Program

Sesión 1: Introducción a R, RStudio y RMarkdown y Gestión de BBDD

  • Presentación de R, RStudio y RMarkdown:
    • Particularidad de R: objetos, funciones, scripts y paquetes.
  • Importar/Exportar ficheros.
  • Gestión de bases de datos.

Sesión 2: Estadística descriptiva e Inferencia univariada

  • Estadística descriptiva univariada:
    • Variables Cualitativas: tablas de frecuencias y representación gráfica.
    • Variables Cuantitativas: estadísticos de resumen y representación gráfica.
  • Inferencia estadística univariada.
    • Introducción a la inferencia estadística: intervalo de confianza y contraste de hipótesis.
    • Inferencia para una muestra:
      • Contraste para una media (T-test).
      • Contraste para una proporción (Binomial test).
      • Contraste para una mediana (Wilcoxon test).
      • Contraste de normalidad (Shapiro-Wilk test).

Sesión 3: Relación entre 1 variable cuantitativa y 1 variable cualitativa

  • Estadística descriptiva bivariada:
    • Tablas de estadísticos de resumen y representación gráfica.
  • Inferencia:
    • Contraste para dos medias (muestras independientes) paramétrico (T-test) y no paramétrico (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test).
    • Contraste para dos medias (muestras relacionadas) paramétrico (paired t-test) y no paramétrico (Wilcoxon signed rank test).
    • Contraste para más de dos medias (muestras independientes) paramétrico (ANOVA) y no paramétrico (Kruskal-Wallis test).
    • Contraste para más de dos medias (muestras relacionadas) (Friedman test).

Sesión 4: Relación entre dos variables cualitativas y relación entre dos variables cuantitativas

  • Dos variables cualitativas:
    • Tablas de contingencia y gráficos de barras (agrupadas/apiladas).
    • Contraste para tablas de contingencia (Khi-Cuadrado test).
  • El paquete compareGroups.
  • Dos variables cuantitativas:
    • Coeficiente de correlación y diagrama de dispersión.
    • Contraste para el coeficiente de correlación.


The Basic Statistics Course with RStudio is addressed to university students, teachers and professionals who want to acquire knowledge of Statistics, and who wish to introduce themselves to the use of this software.

The course will take place face-to-face at the UAB Campus.

To take this course, the assistant must use his own laptop.


Previous knowledge of programs for processing databases and spreadsheets.

Organization details

The Basic Statistics with RStudio Course will be held on April 16, 18, 23 and 25, 2024, from 10:00 to 13:30.

The course duration is 14 hours.

For the realization of the course, the minimum number of participants is 10 and maximum is 20.

Link to pre-register course form

Once we received your form we will send an email to confirm that either you have an assigned place or you are on the waiting list.

Course organized by department of Mathematics of UAB with the collaboration of Servei d’Estadística Aplicada.

Registration fees (2024):

The rate/fee is assigned by the person/institution/company that made the payment.


  • Special discounts for unemployed people, with the apply or renew of the application for unemployment benefits.
  • Special discounts for groups of the same company. Send e-mail to
  • Not cumulative discounts.

Payment details:

Once the pre-registration is completed you will receive an email informing of the details for the registration payment or if you’re in waiting list.

Once the payment of the course has been made there will be no refund unless there are circumstances beyond one’s control.