
Ana Vázquez

Servei d'Estadística Aplicada

  • Dolors Giménez Pérez; Amadeo Pujol-Robinata; Josep Castellá García; Anna Espinal Berenguer; Ana Vázquez Fariñas; Jordi Medallo Muñizac (2020)
    Denuncias por responsabilidad profesional médica en Barcelona (2004-2009). Análisis médico-forenseMedical professional liability claims in Barcelona (2004-2009). Medico-legal analysis
    Revista Española de Medicina Legal, Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 56-65
  • Shaw E, Gomila A, Piriz M, Perez R, Cuquet J, Vazquez A, Badia JM, Lérida A, Fraccalvieri D, Marron A, Freixas N, Castro A, Cruz A, Limón E, Gudiol F, Biondo S, Carratalà J, Pujol M (2018)
    Multistate modelling to estimate excess length of stay and risk of death associated with organ/space infection after elective colorectal surgery
    Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 100, Issue 4, Pages 400-405
  • Liliana Cárdenas, Jhon J. Cañas-Álvarez, Ana Vázquez, Ester Boixadera & Jordi Casal (2019)
    Analysis of domestic animal movements in Colombia (2006–2014) and their possible influence on the bovine brucellosis spread
    Tropical Animal Health and Production, 51, pages 383–388
  • Shaw E, Gomila A, Piriz M, Perez R, Cuquet J, Vazquez A, Badia JM, Lérida A, Fraccalvieri D, Marron A, Freixas N, Castro A, Cruz A, Limón E, Gudiol F, Biondo S, Carratalà J, Pujol M (2018)
    Multistate modelling to estimate excess length of stay and risk of death associated with organ/space infection after elective colorectal surgery
    Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 100, Issue 4, Pages 400-405
  • Milà, M., Bechini, J., Vázquez. A., Vallejos, V., Tenesa, M., Espinal, A., Fraile, M. , Monreal, M (2017)
    Acute pulmonary embolism detection with ventilation/perfusion SPECT combined with full dose CT: What is the best option? SPECT/TC de ventilación-perfusión pulmonar agudopulmonar en el diagnóstico del tromboembolismo Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular, 36(3): 139-145
  • Gutiérrez, L., Arias, L., Espinal, A., Vázquez, A. (2016)
    Predisposición a una respuesta pobre al tratamiento con ranibizumab en la degeneración macular asociada a la edad exudativa Poor-responders to ranibizumab in wet age-related macular degeneration
    Annals d’Oftalmologia24(5):338-344