The journal Langue(s) & Parole was born in 2015 as part of a collaboration agreement between the Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée (CIPA), based in Mons (Belgium), and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the two institutions having operated jointly for over forty years in research, teacher training and knowledge transfer. In creating this journal, the two institutions intended to follow in the tradition inaugurated by the Revue de Phonétique Appliquée (RPA), then continued by the Revue PArole (two leading publications in linguistics and applied linguistics), by publishing original research in these fields. Since its first issue, Langue(s) & Parole has published an annual thematic issue (except for 2017): Laïcité (2015), Quelle grammaire pour la langue parlée (2016), L’enseignement plurilingue (2017-18), La dimension littéraire et culturelle dans l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues (2019).


For the selection of articles for publication, Langue(s) & Parole submits them for evaluation by specialists in the field concerned. However, after a first reading by the editorial board, articles received may be rejected if they do not meet the required quality and content criteria, or if they do not respect the format required for a scientific article or review.

All articles received will be evaluated by at least two specialists in the field in question, chosen by the Editorial Board or the Issue Coordinator. The specialists will evaluate the contributions by adopting a policy of anonymous expert review which will ensure that neither the authors will know the identity of the reviewers nor the referees that of the authors.

Reviewers will submit their reports to the editorial board, which will be ultimately responsible for the final decision on publication. Authors of contributions will receive the expert reports to which they have been subjected, together with the final decision as to whether or not they will be published.

The magazine reserves the right to postpone publication of an article initially selected for internal programming reasons, after having informed the authors. Authors are required to respect the deadlines set for each stage in the presentation and production of the issue. The journal also reserves the right to cancel the publication of an article initially selected if the deadlines set by the editorial board during the selection and production process have not been met.

Articles sent to the journal for review must be unpublished and may not have been accepted simultaneously by other journals.

The maximum time limit for review is 3 months.


Since the publication costs of Langue(s) & Parole are covered by the budget of the university responsible for publishing (UAB), authors will not have to pay any article-processing charges (APC), and the journal itself has no policy of waivers.


The Journal allows free and immediate access to its contents, in line with the principle that free public access to research promotes the development of knowledge exchange. Users can read, download, distribute, print or partially reproduce the texts, or use them to find or create a link, without having to request prior authorization from the publishers or authors.

The magazine is licensed under an Attribution – Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International

Attribution – You must credit the Work, include a link to the license and indicate whether any modifications have been made to the Work. You must indicate this information by all reasonable means, without suggesting that the Offeror endorses you or the way in which you have used his Work.

Sharing Under the Same Conditions – In the event that you remix, transform, or create from material comprising the original Work, you must distribute the modified Work under the same conditions, i.e. with the same license under which the original Work was distributed.
