La zooarqueologia (també anomenada arqueozoologia) és la disciplina que s’encarrega de l’estudi de les restes animals que es troben en contextos arqueològics. Aquesta disciplina pot aplicar-se a l’estudi de tots els períodes de la història, en els quals els éssers humans s’han relacionat amb els animals.

The Archaeozoology laboratory gathers together a wide range of people, including research directors, postdoctoral researchers, laboratory technicians, graduate and undergraduate students and a good number of usual collaborators with multiple research interests, scientific backgrounds and chronological and methodological expertises, all revolving around the study of animal remains.

Here you can take a peek to all the members’ contact information and scientific interests. Contact us if you have any query!

The Archaeozoology Laboratory is developing several leading lines of research in archeozoology, conducts archaeological excavations, and offers its services to analyse all kinds of faunal remains recovered from archaeological sites

Feel free to look around, learn about our work, research and history, and contact us for any query