The Archaeozoology Laboratory of the Department of Prehistory of the Autonomous University of Barcelona offers a service for the analysis of remains of fauna recovered in archaeological sites.

This service helps to meet a growing demand for quality archaeozoological analyses generated, in part, by greater awareness and social recognition of the contribution of faunal studies to archaeological interpretation.

The policy of the Archaeozoology Laboratory has the added objective of inserting the studies carried out within the framework of the Lines of Research, Development and Innovation in Archeology of current Research Projects, whether developed from the Laboratory itself or from research groups where the laboratory participates. The purpose of the studies carried out is to allow their integration into specific lines of work, providing the data and information generated. For this purpose, the formulation of the analyzes includes specific strategies that cover the specific theoretical, methodological and technical needs in each case and that can only be formulated knowing the needs of the answers to be solved.

Whenever possible, the results obtained will be disseminated through the appropiate channels in order to generate a set of information that is useful to the scientific community and society in general.

Sections potentially included in the analysis of wildlife remains

  1. Anatomical and taxonomic determination of each of the recovered fauna remains: specific and skeletal variability.
  2. Determination of the age and sex of the animals represented: type and mode of exploitation and characterization of the implemented strategy. Evaluation of the degree of productive specialization.
  3. Taphonomic analysis of the remains: identification and registration of the natural or anthropogenic taphonomic alterations that the remains present. Reconstruction of the taphonomic history of the sets and evaluation of the potential degree of alteration and modification that they may present and that may skew the social conclusions drawn from them.
  4. Qualitative analysis of the remains: identification and registration of the anthropogenic alterations that the remains present: traces of skinning, dismemberment, disarticulation, fleshing and thermal alterations. Animal and animal product processing techniques.
  5. Biometric analysis of the remains: reconstitution of the specimens and comparison between populations. Evaluation of the selection criteria that guide the slaughter of animals.
  6. Study of paleopathologies: systematic study of paleopathologies as an analytical tool in order to integrate aspects that can provide information on the life dynamics of animal populations (diseases, demographic structure, accidents, mobility patterns …) and on how this has been transformed due to pressure and anthropogenic selection.
  7. Quantitative and statistical processing of the data obtained: elaboration of the corresponding tables and graphs necessary for the processing of the data.
  8. Spatial analysis of sets: reassemblies and anatomical connections.Abandonment and deposit dynamics of the faunal remains. Documentation of the activities corresponding to the processing and consumption of the animal based on the representation of remains in the different spaces of the site.
  9. Study of isotopic and elemental concentrations: analysis of the chemical compositions of faunal remains. Studies related to the reconstitution of climate and environmental conditions and to the evaluation of feeding patterns, mobility and reproduction of animal populations.
  10. Sclerochronology study: study of skeletal growth in mollusks as a source of information on seasonality. This study is likely to be applied in cases where the necessary information relevant to that species is available and provided that its characteristics allow it.
  11. Study of artefacts of materials of animal origin: systematic study of the industry carried out on bone tissue, horn and mollusk valve.
  12. Writing the corresponding report: integration of information and synthesis of results.
  13. Comparative study of the results obtained: integration of the data obtained in the context of the historical problem in which it is framed. On the other hand, the studies carried out in the laboratory will try to link to the different research projects developed in the same laboratory or in which its members participate.

Depending on the objectives of the project, the questions asked and the results obtained with the analysis and available means may have a lesser or greater impact on the following aspects:

  1. Strategies of management and exploitation of animal resources along the time interval represented in the site or sites.
  2. Dynamics of change of these strategies with respect to the preceding and subsequent moments, explaining both their causes and consequences, thus inferring in the basic economic and social factors that conditioned these changes.
  3. Level of technical development of animal resource exploitation strategies.
  4. Role of hunting, fishing, gathering and livestock activities.
    • Weight of livestock activity within the set of economic strategies practiced. Economic importance of the different livestock production processes (meat, dairy, wool, traction, obtaining raw materials …).
    • Activities necessary in obtaining wild animals and contextualizing them within the general economic system of the society that has consumed them.
  5. Biological characterization of each of the animal species in order to influence the criteria for selection and management of livestock and wild resources.
  6. Modes of processing animal carcasses and animal products. Food preservation and culinary preparation of foods of animal origin.
  7. Dynamics of the distribution and consumption processes of animals and animal products.
  8. Role of animals and animal products in trade and exchange activities.
  9. Role of animals and animal products in the political and ideological sphere.
  10. Dynamics of formation of the archaeozoological assemblages and waste management.
  11. Climatic and ecological conditions under which these resources were exploited.

Material delivery requirements

  • It will be essential for the study of any set to provide documentation relating to the archaeological context of recovery of the remains that is deemed necessary to carry out a quality study.
  • The materials for the study will be taken to the Archaeozoology Laboratory correctly referenced (chronology, archaeological context, etc.…), clean and coded.
  • To know prices and rates, contact the Laboratory directly (
    • The rate will be agreed based on certain variables: volume, type of study, date of delivery and characteristics of the set.