P. Nunes-Silva, A.L. Acosta, R.C. Borges, B.M. Freitas, R.C. Oliveira, Giannini, T.C. & V.L. Imperatriz-Fonseca. Climate change will alter Amazonian bumblebees’ distribution, but effects are species-specific. Frontiers in Bee Science. doi.org/2025.3.10.3389/frbee.2025.1510004.


J.E. Batista, R.C. da Silva, D.L. do Nascimento, R.C. Oliveira, C.A. Oi & F.S. Nascimento. Nestmate Recognition in Two Melipona Stingless Bee Species: The Effect of Cuticular Chemical Profiles and Colony DistanceJournal of Insect Behavior. doi.org/10.1007/s10905-024-09852-z

V. Di Pietro, C. Menezes, M. G. de Britto Frediani, D. J. Pereira, M. Fajgenblat, H. M., T. Ferreira, T. Wenseleers & R.C. Oliveira. The inheritance of alternative nest architectural traditions in stingless bees. Current Biology. doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.02.073

A. L. Acosta; C. Santos; V. L. Imperatriz-Fonseca; R. C. Oliveira & T. C. Giannini. A methodological approach to identify priority zones for monitoring and assessment of wild bee species under climate change. Frontiers in Bee Science. doi.org/10.3389/frbee.2024.1329844

H.M. Ferreira; D.A. Alves; L. Cool; C.A. Oi; R.C. Oliveira & T. Wenseleers. Toward greater realism in inclusive fitness models: the case of caste fate conflict in insect societies. Evolution Letters. qrad068. doi.org/10.1093/evlett/qrad068


E. Beck; T. Wenseleers & R.C. Oliveira. The effect of forager loss on honeybee workers temporal polyethism and social network structure. Apidologie. 54, 51. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-023-01030-y.


V. Di Pietro; P. Govoni; K. H. Chan; R. C. Oliveira; Wenseleers T.& P. Berg. Evolution of self-organised division of labour driven by stigmergy in leaf-cutter ants. Scientific Reports. vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 21971, 2022ISSN: 2045-2322.

V. Di Pietro; H. M. Ferreira; A. Van Oystaeyen; F. Wäckers; T. Wenseleers & R. C. Oliveira. Distinct Colony Types Caused by Diploid Male Production in the Buff-Tailed Bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. vol. 10, 2022ISSN: 2296-701X.

R. C. Oliveira; V. Di Pietro; J. J. G. Quezada-Euan; J. R. Pech; H. Moo-Valle & T. Wenseleers. Tragedy of the commons in Melipona bees revisited. Biology Letters. vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 20210498, 2022ISSN: 1744-957X.

R. C. Oliveira; J. Zweden & T. Wenseleers. Similarities in Recognition Cues Lead to the Infiltration of Non-Nestmates in an Ant Species. Journal of Chemical Ecology. vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 16-26, 2022ISSN: 1573-1561.


C. A. Oi; T. Wenseleers & R. C. Oliveira. Causes and Consequences of Reproductive Conflicts in Wasp Societies Book Chapter. In: Prezoto, F.; Nascimento, F.; Barbosa, B. C.; Somavilla, A. (Ed.): Neotropical Social Wasps. pp. 147-178, Springer, Cham, 2021ISBN: 978-3-030-53509-4.

R. C. Oliveira; F. A. L. Contrera; H. Arruda; R. Jaffé; L. Costa; G. Pessin; G. C. Venturieri; P. Souza & V. L. Imperatriz-Fonseca. Foraging and Drifting Patterns of the Highly Eusocial Neotropical Stingless Bee Melipona fasciculata Assessed by Radio-Frequency Identification Tags. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. vol. 9, pp. 708178, 2021ISSN: 2296-701X.


R. C. Oliveira; J. Warson; D. Sillam-Dusses; B. Herrera-Malaver; K. Verstrepen; J. G. Millar & T. Wenseleers. Identification of a queen pheromone mediating the rearing of adult sexuals in the pharaoh ant Monomorium pharaonis. Biology Letters. vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 20200348, 2020ISSN: 1744-957X.

T. Wenseleers; C. A. Oi & R. C. Oliveira. Worker Policing Book Chapter. In: Starr, Christopher K. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Social Insects. 137-1, pp. 1-8, Springer, Cham, 2020ISBN: 978-3-319-90306-4.

T. Wenseleers; S. Princen; R. C. Oliveira & C. A. Oi. Conflicts of Interest Within Colonies Book Chapter. In: Starr, Christopher K. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Social Insects. 28-1, pp. 1-15, Springer, Cham, 2020ISBN: 978-3-319-90306-4.


C. Dufresnes; G. Mazepa; D. Jablonski; R. C. Oliveira; T. Wenseleers; D. A. Shabanov; M. Auer; R. Ernst; C. Koch; H. E. Ramirez-Chaves; K. P. Mulder; E. Simonov; A. Tiutenko; D. Kryvokhyzha; P. L. Wennekes; O. I. Zinenko; O. V. Korshunov; A. M. Al-Johany; E. A. Peregontsev; R. Masroor; C. Betto-Colliard; M. Denoel; L. J. Borkin; D. V. Skorinov; R. A. Pasynkova; L. F. Mazanaeva; J. M. Rosanov; S. Dubey & S. Litvinchuk. Fifteen shades of green: The evolution of Bufotes toads revisited. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. vol. 141, pp. 106615, 2019ISSN: 1095-9513.

C. A. Oi; R. C. Oliveira; J. Zweden; S. Mateus; J. G. Millar; F. Nascimento & T. Wenseleers. Do primitively eusocial wasps use queen pheromones to regulate reproduction? A case study of the paper wasp Polistes satan. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. vol. 7, pp. 199, 2019ISSN: 2296-701X.

S. A. Princen; R. C. Oliveira; U. R. Ernst; J. G. Millar; J. S. Zweden & T. Wenseleers. Honeybees possess a structurally diverse and functionally redundant set of queen pheromones. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. vol. 286, no. 1905, pp. 20190517, 2019ISSN: 1471-2954.


L. Holman; J. S. Zweden; R. C. Oliveira; A. Oystaeyen & T. Wenseleers. Conserved queen pheromones in bumblebees: a reply to Amsalem et al. PeerJ. vol. 5, pp. e3332, 2017ISSN: 2167-8359.

R. C. Oliveira; A. Vollet-Neto; C. Akemi Oi; J. S. Zweden; F. Nascimento; C. Sullivan Brent & T. Wenseleers. Hormonal pleiotropy helps maintain queen signal honesty in a highly eusocial wasp. Scientific Reports. vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1654, 2017ISSN: 2045-2322.

A. Vollet-Neto; R. C. Oliveira; S. Schillewaert; D. A. Alves; T. Wenseleers; F. S. Nascimento; V. L. Imperatriz-Fonseca & F. L. W. Ratnieks. Diploid Male Production Results in Queen Death in the Stingless Bee Scaptotrigona depilis. Journal of Chemical Ecology. vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 403-410, 2017ISSN: 1573-1561.


R. C. Oliveira; C. A. Oi; A. Vollet-Neto & T. Wenseleers. Intraspecific worker parasitism in the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris. Animal Behaviour. vol. 113, pp. 79-85, 2016ISSN: 00033472.


L. U. Haberbeck; R. C. Oliveira; B. Vivijs; T. Wenseleers; A. Aertsen; C. Michiels & A. H. Geeraerd. Variability in growth/no growth boundaries of 188 different Escherichia coli strains reveals that approximately 75% have a higher growth probability under low pH conditions than E. coli O157:H7 strain ATCC 43888. Food Microbiology. vol. 45, no. Pt B, pp. 222-30, 2015ISSN: 1095-9998.

C. A. Oi; A. Van Oystaeyen; R. C. Oliveira; J. G. Millar; K. J. Verstrepen; J. S. Zweden & T. Wenseleers. Dual effect of wasp queen pheromone in regulating insect sociality. Current Biology. vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 1638-40, 2015ISSN: 1879-0445.

C. A. Oi; J. S. Zweden; R. C. Oliveira; A. Van Oystaeyen; F. S. Nascimento & T. Wenseleers. The origin and evolution of social insect queen pheromones: Novel hypotheses and outstanding problems. Bioessays. vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 808-21, 2015ISSN: 1521-1878.

R. C. Oliveira; C. A. Oi; M. M. Nascimento; A. Vollet-Neto; D. A. Alves; M. C. Campos; F. Nascimento & T. Wenseleers. The origin and evolution of queen and fertility signals in Corbiculate bees. BMC Evolutionary Biology. vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 254, 2015ISSN: 1471-2148.


A. Van Oystaeyen; R. C. Oliveira; L. Holman; J. S. Zweden; C. Romero; C. A. Oi; P. d’Ettorre; M. Khalesi; J. Billen; F. Wackers; J. G. Millar & T. Wenseleers. Conserved class of queen pheromones stops social insect workers from reproducing. Science. vol. 343, no. 6168, pp. 287-90, 2014ISSN: 1095-9203. Joint first author


A. Van Oystaeyen; D. Araujo Alves; R. C. Oliveira; D. Lima do Nascimento; F. Nascimento; J. Billen & T. Wenseleers. Sneaky queens in Melipona bees selectively detect and infiltrate queenless colonies. Animal Behaviour. vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 603-609, 2013ISSN: 00033472.


R. C. Oliveira; C. Menezes; A. E. E. Soares & V. L. Imperatriz-Fonseca. Trap-nests for stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Meliponini). Apidologie. vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 29-37, 2012ISSN: 0044-8435.