Algunos artículos en este campo son. * Spanuth, A., & Urbano, D. (2024). Exploring social enterprise legitimacy within ecosystems from an institutional approach: A systematic literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 26(2), 211-231. * Maaßen, C., Rovira, R., & Urbano, D. (2023). A Process Model for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Highly Entrepreneurial European Region. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-32. * Muñoz-Mora, J. C., Aparicio, S., Martinez-Moya, D., & Urbano, D. (2022). From immigrants to local entrepreneurs: understanding the effects of migration on entrepreneurship in a highly informal country. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(9), 78-103. * Ferri, E., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2015). The Effect of Cultural Factors on Social Entrepreneurship: The Impact of the Economic Downturn in Spain. In M. Peris-Ortiz, J.M. Merigó-Lindahl (Eds.) Entrepreneurship, Regional Development and Culture (pp. 75-87). Springer International Publishing. Artículos seminales sobre este tema: * Alvord, S. H., Brown, L. D., & Letts, C. W. (2004). Social entrepreneurship and societal transformation. Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 40(3), 260-282. * Austin, J., Stevenson, H., & Wei-Skillern, J. (2006). Social and commercial entrepreneurship: Same, different, or both?. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(1), 1-22. * Bacq, S., & Janssen, F. (2011). The multiple faces of social entrepreneurship: A review of definitional issues based on geographical and thematic criteria. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 23(5-6), 373-403. * Choi, N., & Majumdar, S. (2014). Social entrepreneurship as an essentially contested concept: Opening a new avenue for systematic future research. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(3), 363-376. * Dees, J. G. (2001). The Meaning of “Social Entrepreneurship”. Comments and suggestions contributed from the Social Entrepreneurship Founders Working Group. Durham, NC: Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. * Fowler, A. (2000). NGDOs as a moment in history: beyond aid to social entrepreneurship or civic innovation?. Third World Quarterly, 21(4), 637-654. * Lasprogata, G. A., & Cotten, M. N., (2003). Contemplating enterprise: the business and legal challenges of social entrepreneurship. American Business Law Journal, 41(1), 67-113. * Mair, J., & Marti, I. (2006). Social entrepreneurship research: A source of explanation, prediction, and delight. Journal of World Business, 41(1), 36-44. * Peredo, A. M., & McLean, M. (2006). Social entrepreneurship: A critical review of the concept. Journal of World Business, 41(1), 56-65. * Zahra, S., Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D. O., & Shulman, J. M. (2009). A typology of social entrepreneurs: Motives, search processes and ethical challenges. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(5), 519-532.