Learning about Newham’s Short and Long-Life Housing Co-operatives

On 5th February 2018 Mara went to Stratford, in the London Borough of Newham to interview members of the Newham Long-life Housing Co-operative and its emergence from the short-life cooperative housing movement of the 1970s and 1980s. The Longlife Housing Co-operative Limited is a fully-mutual housing co-operative set up in 1981. While at its origins […]

Workshop Democ2016

On 14th December 2017 we participated in the second workshop DEMOC 2016 at the Generalitat of Catalonia, Departament d’Afers i Relacions Institucionals i Exteriors i Transparència, Sub-direcció General de Qualitat Democràtica. During the workshop we presented the development of the COPHAB project, preliminary findings and methodological reflections, and participated in a wider debate about content and […]