The Map

The map is the result of an on-going cartography of collaborative housing initiatives across the whole of Catalonia. This ongoing scoping exercise has surveyed 50+ projects at different stages of development. Most of these housing initiatives have emerged since 2011 and present a range of typologies and ad hoc arrangements with regards to financing, organisational models, access to land and property, and varying degrees of involvement with supporting public and non-profit organisations. The map also includes some of the supporting organisations (entitats de suport) related to the housing initiatives. The data has been collected since November 2017 through an online questionnaire, phone and in-person interviews as well as desk-based research.

This map includes all the collaborative housing initiatives analyzed as part of the COPHAB project. Those who do not have a specific location are roughly placed in the area where the project was initiated. The data in the graphs corresponds to all the initiatives that are visible on the map  at a given time; if you zoom in or out, they will adjust accordingly. By clicking on the drop symbol on the upper right corner of the graphs, you can organise the initiatives by colour, based on the specific  variable. You can also select categories within the graphs to view only cases that present specific characteristics. Try it out!

Do you know about a collaborative housing project that is not on our map? Write to us!

See our basic glossary below or download our glossary of concepts

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Basic Glossary

Any de constitució del grup / Grup creation year
Estadi / Stage of development
Nombre total de residents / Total number of residents
Nombre de residents potencials / Number of potential residents
Nombre total d’habitatges / Total number of housing units
Nombre d’habitatges / Number of housing units
Tipologia organitzativa de la Iniciativa / Organization Typology of the Initiative
Estatus legal de la Iniciativa / Legal Status of the Initiative
Titularitat del sòl / Land ownership
Tipus de promotor / Type of developer
Durada de la tinença (anys) / Duration of the tenancy/lease (years)
Model de gestió / Management models
Objectius / Goals
Serveis / Services
Tipus d’habitatge / Housing type
Règims de tinença / Tenancy regimes
Model de finançament / Financing model (can include more than one)