Genus – Journal of Population Sciences, 80(2), pp 1-22 (2024). Albert Esteve, Maria Pohl, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano, Joan García-Román, David Reher, Rita Trias-Prats and Anna Turu Households are core units of social organization and reproduction, yet, comparedto other areas of demographic research, we have limited understanding of theirbasic characteristics across countries. […]
Scientific Data, 11:145, pp 1-11 (2024). Juan Galeano, Albert Esteve, Anna Turu, Joan García-Román, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Maria Pohl and Rita Trias-Prats The CORESIDENCE Database (CoDB) represents a signifcant advancement in the feld of family studies, addressing existing data gaps and facilitating comprehensive analysis of households’ composition and living arrangements at the national […]
Population and Development Review, 50(1), pp 211-232 (2024). Albert Esteve and David S. Reher Most people coreside with other kin in private households while others live alone. The incidence of coresidence with kin and solo living varies noticeably across societies. Scholars have long theorized about the role of modernization and cultural change for living […]
LOCATIONOnline ASSISTANTSHuifen Fang “Household change over the past 50 years in seven East and Southeast Asian countries”, International Conference on Population and Development with Low Fertility at China Population Association, Online, September 26, 2023. Presenting author: Huifen Fang. Co-Authors: Albert Esteve & Juan Galeano.
LOCATIONKeele, United Kingdom ASSISTANTSGinevra Floridi “The rise and fall of the nuclear household in the United States”, British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) annual conference at Keele University, Keele, September 11, 2023. Presenting author: Ginevra Floridi, University of Edinburgh. Co-Author: Albert Esteve.
LOCATIONCiudad de México, Mexico ASSISTANTSAlbert Esteve, Juan Galeano, Federica Becca, Maria Pohl and Rita Trias-Prats “Hogares y arreglos residenciales: una vuelta al mundo”, Seminario Diálogos y Reflexiones en Población, Ciudad y Medio Ambiente at Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales, Colegio de México, Ciudad de México, September 8, 2023. Presenting authors: Albert Esteve, Juan Galeano, […]
LOCATIONCiudad de México, Mexico ASSISTANTSAlbert Esteve and Juan Galeano “Migraciones en España: inmigración, asentamiento y migraciones internas”, Seminario de Migración, Desigualdad y Políticas Públicas at Colegio de México, Ciudad de México, September 5, 2023. Presenting authors: Albert Esteve & Juan Galeano.
LOCATIONOttawa, Canada ASSISTANTSAlbert Esteve “The CORESIDENCE Database: Global data on households and living arrangements”, 64th ISI World Statistics Conference at Ottawa, Canada, 18 July, 2023. Presenting author: Albert Esteve. Co-Authors: Juan Galeano, Joan García-Román, Anna Turu, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Maria Pohl, Rita Trias-Prats.
LOCATIONSarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ASSISTANTSAlbert Esteve “Trends in living arrangements around the world”, International Scientific Conference Demographic challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world at University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, 8 June, 2023. Presenting author: Albert Esteve. Co-Authors: David Reher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Anna Turu, CED.
LOCATIONOnline ASSISTANTSFederica Becca “Shrinkage and persistent complexity of Latin American households”, Online Seminar presentation at Red Latinoamericana de Estudios de Familia (LAFAM), 10 May, 2023. Presenting author: Federica Becca.