LOCATIONNew Orleans, Louisiana, Unites States ASSISTANTSAlbert Esteve “Variations in Kin Coresidence Across Societies and Time”, session Family, Children, and Intergenerational Relations at Population Association of America’s Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 14 April, 2023. Presenting author: Albert Esteve, CED-UAB. Co-Authors: David Reher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Anna Turu, CED. Awarded the Best Poster Award.
LOCATIONMilan, Italy ASSISTANTSAlbert Esteve “Lifetime exposure to coresident kin across societies”, Dondena Seminar Series at Bocconi University, Milan, 20 February, 2023.
Population and Development Review, (47)3, pp 691-717 (September 2021). https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12427 Albert Esteve and David S. Reher Using census and survey microdata from 69 countries worldwide, in this paper we document levels of intergenerational coresidence over the life course and examine changes in recent decades. We present evidence of a generalized pattern of increase in intergenerational […]