We link you to a series of news published by the UAB in relation to the environmental management of the campus during the duration of the first Cycle on the Ecosocial Crisis (February-May 2024). You can find them all at Web de l’Oficina de Sostenibilitat.
We will also use this page as a newspaper archive of news, published or not by the UAB, but related to how to deal with the ecosocial crisis from here.
- Informe de seguiment dels indicadors de sostenibilitat del Pla Campus Saludable i Sostenible (used for our data collection)
- March 2024: “La UAB ha reduït el consum d’aigua en un 25% gràcies a les mesures d’estalvi per la sequera”
- March 2024: “Premiat un projecte de la UAB sobre l’impacte dels banys de bosc al benestar emocional”
- March 2024: “La ministra Teresa Ribera reivindica un diàleg solvent entre la comunitat científica i política davant la crisi climàtica”