UABmèdia programme “Nòmada”, 23 May 2024

Contenido: Fourth episode of Nòmada, UABmèdia’s travelling programme. Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín talked about the European elections and the forecasts given by the media:×04-facultat-de-ci%C3%A8ncies-pol%C3%ADtiques-i-sociologia 

European Parliament Simulation, 29 April 2024

This is a project of innovation and improvement of teachingquality, approved by the UAB in June 2023, which was carried out incollaboration with the European Documentation Centre and supported bythe European Parliament Information Office in Barcelona. EUPOL membersAna Mar Fernández-Pasarín, Nuria Font and Andrea Lanaia participatedin this Event which took place on April 29th 2024 […]