EU Talk on the “Israel-Hamas war” by Antonios Abou Kasm. December 1, 2023, 16:00 – 17:30h, Faculty of Law, Sala de grados, UAB.

EU Talk on the “Israel-Hamas war” by Antonios Abou Kasm. December 1, 2023, 16:00 – 17:30h, Faculty of Law, Sala de grados, UAB.
EU Talk on “Hungría y el Estado de Derecho” by Balazs Rottek. November 24, 2023, 16h, Faculty of Law, Sala de grados, UAB.
Exhibition “Pioneer women of the European Union” organized by the Jean Monnet Chair EUPOL, the European Documentation Center of the UAB and the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology (UAB). 23 October – 23 November 2023, Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (UAB). Initiative of the Office of the European Parliament in […]
Taller d’indtroducció a la UE (Escolga Guixot) by Francesco Camonita and Concepció Muñoz. November 23, 2023, 10:00-12:00h, B1/-127 Aula 3 (FCCPPS) and European Documentation Center of the UAB.
EU Talk on “La presidencia española en el Consejo de la UE” by Juan Antonio Mayoral. November 3, 2023, 16h, Faculty of Law, Sala de grados, UAB.
“Solidarity in Health at the European level. Towards a research network on the European Health Union”, by Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín, Nuria Font, Andrea Noferini and Ixchel Pérez. October 27, 9:45-13:00h, 2023, IGOP, Campus UAB, building Modul de Recerca A, 1st floor.
Workshop on the EU for exchange French students by Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín and Concepció Muñoz. October 25, 10:00 – 11:30h, 2023, European Documentation Center of the UAB. Activities :
Conference on “Les principes de gouvernement de l’Union européenne” by Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín and Michel Mangenot. October 20, 9:45-17:30h, CNRS, Site Pouchet – 59/61 rue Pouchet 75 017 (Paris).
SISP Conference 2023: “Contractual Leadership. The Role of the Commission in the Consensual Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility” by Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín and Andrea Lanaia. September 16, 2023, 9:00-10:45h, Albergo dei Poveri (Piazzale Emanuele Brignole), Genoa (Italy).