Conferencia “Venezuela en el epicentro: Crisis de legitimidad, resistencia ciudadana e impacto europeo y global” 7 de febrero, 12:00 CET Sala de vistas de la Facultad de Derecho de la UAB Registro gratuito en :

Conferencia “Venezuela en el epicentro: Crisis de legitimidad, resistencia ciudadana e impacto europeo y global” 7 de febrero, 12:00 CET Sala de vistas de la Facultad de Derecho de la UAB Registro gratuito en :
EU Talk on “Geoeconomic security: European and Nordic Perspectives” by Prof. Ulf Sverdrup. October 25, 2024, 12:00, Faculty of Law, Sala de Juntas (UAB).
On September 10th took place the 6th edition of the Research Conference on EU Studies. It was organized by BACES and the EUGOV Research group. Participants: Antonio Manuel Álvarez (UAM), Nicolas Bicchi (UPF), Irina Ciornei (UAB), Gisela Hernández (IPP-CSIC/UAM), Yannis Karagiannis (IBEI), Juan Antonio Mayoral (UC3M), Joan Miró (UPF), Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín (UAB), Nuria Font […]
In July 2024 the proposal of the EUGLOB project was approved by the European Commission with an overall score of 91.5/100. Below you can read the abstract of the project: In today’s increasingly disruptive times and unpredictable world, it is crucial for EU leadership to identify and even anticipate global policy challenges and shape their […]
Conference on “Negotiated and Negotiable. Contractual Governance and the Flexibility of the RRF”, by Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín and Joan Miró. June 21, 2024, ECPR SGEU Conference (Panel 126), Lisbon
Nuria Font participation in TV3 programme “Els matins” talking about how decisions are made in Europe:
Contenido: Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín statements in The Objective:
Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín statements in El Món:
Contenido: Fourth episode of Nòmada, UABmèdia’s travelling programme. Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín talked about the European elections and the forecasts given by the media:×04-facultat-de-ci%C3%A8ncies-pol%C3%ADtiques-i-sociologia
RTVE Audio interview with Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín and Andreu Santos: