EUGOV was founded in 2003 as a research group targeting the relevance and specialization of EU government and governance. It recognizes the significance of research and cooperation to analyze and develop science and policy that addresses European integration theory, EU institutional and decision-making, EU policy-making, EU democratic quality, European comparative studies and multi-level governance.
The EUGOV group has established itself as a leader in EU studies in Spain, with the Generalitat of Catalunya recognizing it as a Consolidated Group from 2009 to present.
Its principal expertise includes those themes related to:
- EU institutional dynamics and decision-making
- Power, democracy and legitimacy in the EU
- European policies
- Theories of European integration
- Europeanisation
- European Public Administration
Given the nature of its work, its scope includes not only the European Union but comparative studies of European countries and some third countries. It particularly thrives on the collective collaboration of faculty, doctoral candidates, postgraduate and undergraduate students, as well as affiliated scholars from across Spain and the rest of Europe.
EUGOV has demonstrated notable scientific contribution in the group’s recent publications from 2017 and 2022 with articles published inter alia in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of European Integration, Government & Opposition, Parliamentary Affairs, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Politics & Governance or the European Journal of Higher Education.
Beyond solely scientific production, its particular added value lies in creating synergies and influencing policy in that it is a driving force behind six European Projects of excellence: The Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Policies (2, UAB), the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Governance (UPF, 3) and the Barcelona Center for European Studies (UPF).
The group invites interested parties to get in touch, as well as expresses interest in doctoral candidates looking to specialize in EUGOV’s strands of expertise.