The Governance of the Recovery and Resilience
Facility. The Incremental Innovation of Standard Conditionality Regime

Fernández-Pasarín, A.M and Lanaia, A.  European Policy Analysis.

Spain: Political Developments and Data in 2023. European Semester, Snap Elections and the Reformulation of the Left-Wing Coalition
Fernández-Pasarín, A.M. and Bohigues, A. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

Social Reformism 2.0: Work, Welfare and Progressive Politics in the 21st Century
Ferrera, M., Miró, J. and Ronchi, S. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).


Party position, electoral incentives, and attention to European Union issues in the 2019 European Parliament election
Font, N. Party Politics.

Spain: Political Developments and Data in 2022. Implementing the Next Generation EU Plan in the Shadow of Political Turmoil
Fernández-Pasarín, A., Delgado, I. and Bohigues, A. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

Legislative Transparency in the European Parliament: Disclosing Legislators Meetings with Interest Groups
Font, N. and Pérez-Durán, I. Journal of Common Market Studies61(2): 379-396.

Buffering national welfare states in hard times: The politics of EU capacity-building in the social policy domain
Miró, J., Kyriazi, A., Natili, M. and Ronchi, S. Social Policy & Administration.

Money Makes the World Go Round: How much difference do Recovery and Resilience Plans make to member states’ fiscal and social policy?
Miró, J., Natili, M. and Schelkle, W. Journal of Common Market Studies.

Quite unity: salience, politicisation and togetherness in the EU’s Brexit negotiating position
Kyriazi, A., Altiparmakis, A., Ganderson, J. and Miró, J. West European Politics.

Responding to the global disorder: the EU’s quest for open strategic autonomy
Miró, J. Global Society37(3): 315-335.

Just Transition in practice: lessons from the EU’s pathway to a socially fair green transition
Miró, J. in Craig, P. (Ed.). Social Justice in a Turbulent Era (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), pp. 21-34.

Towards a socially fair green transition in the EU: an analysis of the Just Transition Fund using the Multiple Streams Framework
Kyriazi, A. and Miró, J. Comparative European Politics21(1): 112-132.

Madrid’s Muslim Youth: What do Intersectional Discrimination and Resilience Mean for the Interculturalist Project?
Boland, C. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 1-17.

Moving Towards Europe: Diverse Trajectories and Multidimensional Drivers of Migration across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
Boland, C. et al. in Selin, A., Barana, L. and Boland, C. (Eds.)  (Lausanne, Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishers).


Spain: Political Developments and Data in 2021. From the State of Alarm to the Recovery Plan
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M., Delgado, I., and Bohigues, A. European Journal of Political Research61(1): 423-434.

Debating fiscal solidarity in the EU: identities, values and interests in the legitimation of the NGEU programme
Miró, J. Journal of European Integration, 44(3): 307-325.

The information phase of accountability: The role of management boards in European Union agencies
Font, N. and Pérez-Durán, I. International Review of Administrative Sciences88(3): 882-898.

Unveiling inconsistency: Consensus and contestation along the Council-Comitology cycle of EU policy-making
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. and Font, N. Journal of Common Market Studies60(2): 427-444.

COVID-19 Implications for migrant care workers. A gender perspective
Boland, C., Vila, E. and Cottone, L. Quaderns IEE: Revista de l’Institut d’Estudis Europeus1(1): 145-153. 


Spain: Political Developments and Data in 2020
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M., López-Nieto, L. and Redondo, J. European Journal of Political Research60(1): 371-380.

Comitology: the strength of dissent
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M., Dehousse, R. and Plaza, J. P. Journal of European Integration43(3): 311-330.

The Role of Emerging Predictive IT Tools in Effective Migration Governance
Boland, C., Blasi, C., Sánchez-Montijano, E. and Vilà, E. Politics and Governance9(4): 133-145.

Walking the road together? EU polity maintenance during the COVID-19 crisis
Ferrera, M., Miró, J. and Ronchi, S. West European Politics, 44(5-6): 1329-1352.

Austerity’s failures and policy learning: mapping European Commission officials’ beliefs on fiscal governance in the post-crisis EU
Miró, J. Review of International Political Economy28(5): 1224-1248.

The tensions of populism in power: a discursive-theoretical analysis of the Catalan secessionist push (2006-2017)
Miró, J. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory22(1): 1-22.

Policy change and partisan politics: understanding family policy differentiation in two similar countries
León, M., Pavolini, E., Miró, J. and Sorrenti, A. Social Politics28(2): 451-576.

In the name of competitiveness: a discursive institutionalist analysis of the EU’s approach to labour market structural reform, 2007-2016
Miró, J. Socio-Economic Review19(2): 711-733.

Abolishing politics in the shadow of austerity? Assessing the (de)politicisation of budgetary policy in crisis-ridden Spain (2008-2015)
Miró, J. Policy Studies42(1): 6-23.

Varieties of Inclusionary Populism? SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Star Movement
Font, N., Graziano, P, and Tsakatika, M. Government & Opposition56(1): 163-183.

The veil as perceived and real boundary for Spanish Muslim youth: Case by case regulation in light of discrimination and individual rights claims
Boland, C. in Profanter, A., and Maestri, E. (Eds.). Migration and Integration Challenges of Muslim Immigrants in Europe: Debating Policies and Cultural Approaches (London: Palgrave MacMilan), pp. 165-205.

European Muslim Youth and Gender (in)Equality Discourse: Towards a More Critical Academic Inquiry
Boland, C. Social Sciences10(4): 133.


Spain: Political Developments and Data in 2019
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M., Delgado, I., López-Nieto, L. and Redondo, J. European Journal of Political Research59(1): 339-349.

Hybrid identity and practices to negotiate belonging: Madrid’s Muslim youth of migrant origin
Boland, C. Comparative Migration Studies8(26): 1-17.

Spain: Pragmatic Europeanism or the End of Unconditional Support to European Integration
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. and Morata, F. in Bulmer, S. and Lequesne, C. (Eds.). The Member States of the European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 149-177.

Competing Principals and Non-Vote Decisions in the European Parliament
Font, N. Parliamentary Affairs73(1): 166-185.


Beyond populism and institutionalism: anti-populism and the management of austerity in Spain
Miró, J. Constellations, 26(1): 116-131.

El Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia: La política consular europea o la proyección externa de un sistema de gobernanza multimodal
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Ares, C. and Bouza, L. (Eds.). La política de la UE: crisis y continuidad (Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas), pp. 419-436.


Informal Rules and Institutional Balances on the Boards of EU Agencies
Font, N. Administration & Society, 50(2): 269-294.

Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Charléty, V. et al. (Eds.). Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Gouvernance Européenne (Bruxelles: Larcier).



The European Parliament oversight of EU agencies through written questions
Font, N. and Pérez Durán, I. Journal of European Public Policy, 23(9): 1349-1366.

Consulates and Consular Diplomacy
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Constantinou, C. M., Sharp, P., and Kerr, P. (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Diplomacy (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications), pp. 161-170.

The state back in: la comitologie ou la délégation controlée et coordonnée du pouvoir
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. Revue française d’administration publique, 2(158): 463-475.


Policy properties and political influence in post-delegation: the case of EU agencies
Font, N. International Review of Administrative Sciences81(4): 773-792.

Towards an EU Consular Policy?
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Spence, D. and Bátora, J. (Eds.). The European External Action Service. European Diplomacy Post-Westphalia (New York: Springer International Publishing), pp. 356-369.

Spain at the helm: The Spanish presidencies of the Council of the European Union
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. and Morata, F. International Journal of Iberian Studies, 28(2-3): 157-179.


How consensual is comitology?
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M., Dehousse, R. and Plaza, J. Journal of European Public Policy21(6): 842-859.

Designing Accountability Regimes at the European Union Level
Font, N. in Bianculli, A., Fernández-Marín, X. and Jordana, J. (Eds.). Accountability and Regulatory GovernanceAudiences, Controls and Responsibilities (London: Palgrave Macmillan).


The communautarization of the Council presidency: intra- institutional dimensions and inter- institutional effect
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Rittelmeyer, Y.-S. and Foret, F. (Eds.). The European Council and European Governance (Oxford: Routledge), pp. 104-120.


Environmental governance in Southern Europe: the domestic filters of Europeanisation
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M., Font, N. and Koutalakis, C. Environmental Politics19(4): 557-577.

Water Management in Spain: the Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Shaping Change
Font, N. and Subirats, J. Ecology & Society, 15(2): 25.


The Reform of the Council Presidency: paving the way for a new synergy with the European Commission?
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. Politique européenne35(3): 29-54.

Consular Affairs and Diplomacy
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. and Melissen, J. (Eds.). (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).

Consular Affairs in an Integrated Europe
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. and Melissen, J. (Eds.). Consular Affairs and Diplomacy (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers), pp. 97-114.

Spanish Water Management in Transition: Transition Management Watered Down?
Font, N. and Subirats, J. in Huitema, D. and Meijerink, S. (Eds.). Water policy entrepreneurs. A research companion to water transitions around the Globe (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing), pp. 272-286.



La Présidence du Conseil de l’UE: du pouvoir de la responsabilité à la responsabilité du pouvoir
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. Etudes européennes1(1).

Local Consular Cooperation: Administrating EU Internal Security Abroad
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. European Foreign Affairs Review (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International), pp. 591-606.

Quel est le pouvoir d’une Présidence du Conseil de l’UE?
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Dehousse, R. (Ed.). Que fait l’Europe? (Paris: Presses de Sciences Po), pp. 59-84.

Spain: When Government Welcomes Environmental Governance
Font, N. and Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. in Borzel, T. (Ed.). Coping with Accession to the European Union (London: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 95-122.


Change and Stability of the EU Institutional System: the Communitarization of the Council Presidency
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. Journal of European Integration30(5): 617-634.

The domestic politics of the EU in the constitutional treaty referendums
Font, N. European Politics and Society9(3): 301-315.

Consular Affairs in the EU: Visa Policy as a Catalyst for Integration?
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy3(1): 21-35.

The EU Council Presidency Dilemma: An Historical Institutionalist Interpretation
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. Les Cahiers Européens. Centre d’études Européennes, Sciences Po, núm. 1.

The Spanish Presidencies of 1989, 1995 and 2002: From commitment to reluctance towards European integration.
Fernández-Pasarín, A. M. and Morata, F. in Elgström, O. (Ed.). European Union Council Presidencies: A Comparative Analysis (Oxford: Routledge), pp. 173-190.

Why the European Union gave Turkey the green light
Font, N. Journal of Contemporary European Studies14(2): 197-212.