According to Web of science, a) Total number of citations, 769 from 53 publications; average 81 citations/year in the 5-year period 2019-2023, b) 30 total Q1 publications (2004-2024, JCR used), 13 total D1 publications (Scopus used), c) h-index 18, d) PhD theses supervised: 9 (8 finished, 1 in progress). Master theses supervised: 5 finished, 2 in progress. Final degree (TFG) supervised: 25.

Born in Brazil, October 30, 1971 (dual citizenship Spanish-Brazilian). I graduated in Pharmacy at the Catholic University Pelotas, Brazil, 1997. I was granted three times with short term fellowships from Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (1997, 1998 and 1999). With these grants, I visited as a short stage fellow Universidad de Sevilla (1997) and Universitat de Barcelona (1998 and 1999). Later on, I moved to Spain and started my predoctoral studies in 1999-2000 within the Grup d’Aplicacions Biomèdiques de la RMN (GABRMN, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). I was recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for the period 2000-2004. After my PhD defense in 2005, I continued my research track with GABRMN and held a position of Associated Lecturer at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
My predoctoral research was centered in NMR applications for brain tumour diagnosis in human samples. Solid collaborations were maintained with Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge and Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge-Bellvitge (Dr. Carles Majós, Dr. Carles Aguilera, Dr. Juan José Acebes). I participated in multicentric European projects in collaboration with Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Dr. Antoni Capdevila) and Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge – Badalona (Dr. Jaume Capellades). The study of human MRS brain tumour data lead to the description of the myo-inositol/glycine signal in glial tumours and its relationship with tumour aggressiveness which I published as first author in 2011, with a large cohort patient.
After the PhD defense, I changed the main focus of my research, although maintaining brain tumours in the scope. My present research focuses in the characterization of the metabolomic pattern in preclinical brain tumours under treatment through molecular images of therapy response using multiple volume 1H MRS (spectroscopic imaging or MRSI) and machine learning approaches. My interest is to apply this knowledge to personalize therapy for achieving optimal response and be able to propose a change whenever applied therapy is proven not effective, bearing a clear translational potential. Moreover, the characterization of the immune system population and other local factors involved in therapy response is one of our goals, since it can be related to MR spectral changes seen during therapy. I am the last and corresponding author of articles published within this line. Finally, the preclinical characterization of novel contrast agents for brain tumours is also a strong point in the research developed under my supervision.
From 2007 to 2023 I held a (senior) postdoctoral position in CIBER-BBN (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red: Bioingeniería, Biomaterials y Nanomedicina) being in charge of the coordination of preclinical studies and supervision of associated PhD and master students. In 2023 I moved to a permanent position at UAB (“Professor Agregat Laboral”), now leading the Grup d’Aplicacions Biomèdiques de la RMN. I am in charge of the scientific coordination of Unit 25, NMR: Biomedical Applications I, of the Singular Scientific Technological Infrastructures (ICTS) NANBIOSIS. I was granted as project leader in an EU Horizon call for groundbreaking ideas with a project funded with 100,000€ (period 2019-2020). Also funded as PI with a project in PGC-MICINN call (PID2020-113058GB-I00, 121,000€ 2021-2023). I lead a research valorisation project awarded by CIBER in 2021-2022 (20,000€), and I am co-leading a scientific agreement with Parc Taulí Hospital Unversitari from Sabadell, as well as a collaborative project CIBER-BBN/CIBERNED, with co-IP Marta Martínez from VHIR.