Nuria Estrach Mira is currently an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Member of two R & D projects, one on “Philosophy of public health” (SGR 2019) and the other on “Justice and democracy: towards a new model of solidarity” (FFI 2019). And from the Group of Humanistic Studies in Science and Technology (GEHUCT-GRC 2017). He focuses his research on modern and contemporary political philosophy in general; more specifically in the critical philosophy of Marx in the political economy and in the French critical thinking of Louis Althusser versus political power. Among his latest publications are: “The Political Efficiency of Fraternity” in Arbor Science, Thought and Culture, CSIC (in press, forecast June 2018; (with J. Vallverdu) “Epidemiology of mental illness” (223-246) in Philosophy of Social Epidemiology (Puyol / Estany, eds.), CSIC (2016). He is also the Editor’s Head of the Folia Humanistica Magazine (focused on public reflection and debate in the field of Health, Philosophy, Social Sciences and art) and collaborates in philosophical disclosure at the Casa Elizalde workshops in Barcelona. Graduate in Philosophy (UB, 1998) did his doctoral studies in Political Philosophy between the University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra (2000-2001) and the University of Paris IV-La Sorbonne (2001-2002). He spent two years studying at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris (2003-2005). He has been a researcher at the University of Paris Barcelona, the Barcelona Science Park and the Écol Norma Supérieure de Paris, with several research grants from the UB, the PCB, the European Union and the French Government. He has participated as a research member in several research groups of the Ministry and the Generalitat (2001-2018) and has participated in multiple international and national conferences. He has worked as a professor of Philosophy at several universities: Barcelona (2001-2003), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (2005-2012), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2011-2018). He has been the coordinator and professor of the Master in Immigration and Intercultural Education (UB).