Iris Parra Jounou holds a degree in Nursing by the University of Barcelona and a degree in Liberal Arts by the Pompeu Fabra University. She has a postgraduate diploma in Prehospital emergency care and a master in Classical and contemporary philosophy. Currently, she is a senior PhD student in the Philosophy department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona where she is doing research on the ethics of care and its impact in end-of-life policies prom a feminist and intersectional approach under the supervision of Prof. Angel Puyol. To consolidate her research, she has done an international research stay with Prof. Fiona Robinson in the department of Political Sciences in Carleton University (Canada).

Her research interests include moral and political philosophy, feminist bioethics, end of life and the relations between arts and health. She is PI, along with Mar Vallès-Poch and Ramón Ortega-Lozano of the research Project «Narrativas de pacientes que solicitan la ayuda médica para morir» ‘Narratives of patients who request Medical Aid in Dying’, funded by a Grífols grant for Bioethics, and she is also an active membre of the research projects «La solidaritat en bioètica» ‘Solidarity in Bioethics’, «Bioética y prácticas relacionades con el final de la vida» ‘Bioethics and end of life practices’ and «Conflictos éticos y Objeción de Conciencia en el Final de la Vida»‘Ethical Conflicts and Conscientious Objection at the End of Life’. She is a member of the Red ESPACyOS on ethics and public Health

She is the Catalan translator and prologist of the books by Joan C. Tronto Caring Democracy and Who cares?