Angel Puyol (Barcelona, 1968) is Professor of Ethics in the Department of Philosophy of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1996 and 1999), New York University (2008) and La Sapienza (2015). His lines of research are bioethics and theories of justice.

In addition to the articles published in national and international journals, among the most notable books we must mention Justícia i salut. Ètica per al racionament dels recursos sanitaris (UAB, 1998, Víctor Grífols Foundation Research Award), El discurso de la igualdad (Crítica, 2001), El sueño de la igauldad de oportunidades (Gedisa, 2010), Rawls. El filósofo de la justicia (Batiscafo, 2015; translated into Italian, Portuguese, Flemish, Greek and Polish), El derecho a la fraternidad (La Catarata, 2017) and Political Fraternity. Democracy beyond Freedom and Equality (Routledge, 2019). He has co-edited the books Bioética, justicia y globalización (Erein, 2007), Filosofía de la epidemiología social (CSIC, 2016), Philosophical and Methodological Debates in Public Health (Springer, 2019) and Un Nouveau regard sur la Solidarité? (L’Harmattan, 2020).

CurrentlyAt the moment, he is the principal researcher of three R&D projects, the first on “The philosophy of public health” (2021SGR517), funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya; the second, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

(PID2019-105422GB -100) with the title “Solidarity in bioethics”; and a third called the Red Temática “ESPACYOS. Ética de la Salud Pública”. RED2022-134551-T.

He is a member of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia and the Healthcare Ethics Committee of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.