The GEHUCT begins its history in 2005, acquiring the Consolidated Group status (SGR) of the Catalan research system. The initial group brings together researchers from the Department of Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in the field of moral philosophy and the philosophy of science.

From 2005 to 2009, the research topic was the inclusion of error in knowledge processes, a research in which experts in Science Didactics, led by Mercè Izquierdo, also participated. In 2008 we organized in Barcelona the Herror.08 International Congress which brought together researchers such as John D. Lantos (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine), Charles Bosk (University of Pennsylvania), Catherine Z. Elgin (Harvard University), Jutta Schickore (Indiana University), Deborah Mayo (Virginia Tech) and Henry Petrosky (Duke University). From that congress came the publication Anna Estany, Victòria Camps & Mercè Izquierdo (eds.). Error y Conocimiento: la Gestión de la Ignorancia. Comares: Granada, 2012.

From 2010 to 2013, the research topic of the group were the relations between neuroscience, ethics and epistemology. Of this period, it is worth mentioning the celebration of a Conference on Neuroethics that brought together national specialists on the topic such as Adela Cortina, Arcadi Navarro, Ignasi Morgado, Lydia Feito and Pompeu Casanovas.

Since 2014, GEHUCT has been more productive and has consolidated research on the philosophy of public health. During this period, we have organized various workshops and the I Barcelona Conference on Philosophy of Public Health in May 2016. We have also had the collaboration of prestigious international researchers such as Norman Daniels (Harvard University), Paul Thagard (University of Waterloo), Sridhar Venkatapuram (King’s College London), David Teira (UNED), Alex Broadbent (University of Johannesburg), Atocha Aliseda (UNAM), Ildefonso Hernández (Universidad Miguel Hernández), Miquel Porta (UAB), José Lázaro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Gerd Gigerenzer (Max Plank Institute for Human Development), Miguel Angel Royo (Instituto de Salud Carlos III de Madrid), Begoña Román (Universitat de Barcelona), and Joan Benach (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).

The group’s latest collective publications on this subject are A. Estany y A. Puyol (eds.). Filosofía de la epidemiología social, Madrid: CSIC, 2016; and J. Vallverdú, A. Estany and A. Puyol (eds.). Philosophical and methodological Debates in Public Health, Springer Verlag (2019).