At the intersection of second language acquisition, translation, and interpretation, literacy involves identifying, choosing, and making critical-strategic use of technological resources. It also implies generating the most appropriate ones for each language combination and educational or professional situation, considering the digital medium or channel in which communication takes place. From the perspective of mediation and translation, literacy involves knowing how to choose, apply, and generate technological, linguistic, and cultural resources in accordance with the conditions of communication. Our scientific challenges revolve around the following topics:

  1. Encourage research and critical analysis of digital literacy in the teaching and learning of second languages and translation, incorporating the generational, intercultural, and gender perspectives.
  2. Identify the practices and agents of reference in the use and research on technologies in the context of translation, mediation, and communication.
  3. Increase the projection and visibility of the group by establishing scientific collaborations with other academics and similar groups at an international level.
  4. Promote activities and channels for the transfer and dissemination of the group’s research in both the academic field and society at large, including the bodies and stakeholders responsible for policies in this field.
  5. Contribute to consolidating the status of Catalan as a digital language by developing resources in which it is one of the working languages.