Conference on equality and policy making

Tomorrow Thursday 09 May 2024 at 10am. in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law within the framework of the Transnational Dimensions of Equality and Law project (DITRIG), the seminar “EU-Spain dialogue on the action of the parliamentary commissions in matters of equality” will take place. The speakers of the event are: This event […]

Conference on AI in the legal sector

On 25 April 2024, the Barcelona Bar Association is organising a conference entitled “IA en el sector jurídico: innovación, soluciones empresariales y salvaguarda de activos inmateriales”, in light of the Intellectual Property Day. This event focuses on deepening the analysis and deliberation on the role of artificial intelligence in the legal domain, beginning with a […]

Conference on Europe – Latin America cooperation

On Monday 8 April, GLOBAL INTEL researchers Dr Anna Ayuso and Dr Cristina Blasi participated in the conference “Una Alianza para el Futuro entre la Unión Europea y América Latina y Caribe”. The event took place in CIDOB (Barcelona) and included panels on sustainability, technological development and future generations. Dr Ayuso moderated panel 3 and […]

Seminar on gender and migration

Last Friday 5 of April, we had the pleasure to host a conference on gender, LGTB rights and migration given by George Azzi, co-founder of Helem, a Lebanese non-profit organisation working on improving the legal and social status of LGBT people, and is the executive director of the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality. The […]

Dr Abat will participate in an event on climate change

The researcher Dr Antoni Abat will participate as a panelist in the “Latin American Workshop on Advisory Opinions on Climate Change”.The organization of this event is in charge of the Center for Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile, NGO FIMA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vanuatu and the […]

Dr Beltran participates in a conference on terrorism

Yesterday 20 March 2024, Dr. Susana Beltran, member of GLOBAL INTEL, participated as speaker in the event “¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de terrorismo?“. The event took place online and it tackles different issues related to the definition of terrorism, the legislation of this crime and other aspects such as the possibility to grant aministy […]

Seminar on democracy and corruption

Today 14 March from 15:00 to 17:00 Prof Ainius Lasas from Kausas University of Technology gave the seminar “Qualities of Democracy: From corruption to conspiracy theories” at Sala de Juntes of the Law Faculty. The seminar gathered master students from several master programmes in the faculties of Law and Political Sciencies, who were very enganged […]

Seminar on Constitutional Law in Indonesia and Spain

On 5 March 2024 we will hold a seminar on Constitutional Law in Indonesia and Spain. Lessons Learned from the Appointment of Constitutional Court Justices in Indonesia and European Countries. The speaker of the event will be Prof. Iwan Satriawan, Dean of the Law Faculty at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The event will take place […]

Dr Abat at a seminar about human rights’ violation in the EU

On March 6 at 4:00 p.m., the member of the IEE, Dr. Toni Abat, will participate in a seminar organized by the Center for the Study of Contemporary Issues (CETC) together with the General Directorate for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the University of Barcelona. The aim […]