Research group on “GLOBAL security, technology and INTErnational Law”
The experts participating in the GLOBAL INTEL project have made numerous scholarly contributions to the primary research areas. Their perceptive and pertinent research outcomes constitute a substantial enhancement to the body of literature focused on the following five subjects; Human rights, Data Protection, Security, Internationa Law, and Sustainability and Climate Change.
Human Rights
Un diálogo crítico sobre las constituciones revolucionarias de Bruce Ackerman
Transnational claims in the European Union and the founding principle of solidarity
Authors: Antoni Abat i Ninet
Chapter: Transnational Solidarity Concept, Challenges and Opportunities , pp. 208 – 226
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2020
Keywords: Human rights, Democracy, Solidarity.
“This chapter works out what seems to be a paradox: secession, a process of splitting and division of Member States can lead to strengthening solidarity.” Read here
Constitutional Crowdsourcing
Democratising Original and Derived Constituent Power in the Network Society
Author: Antoni Abat i Ninet
Published: 2021
“Conceptualising the new phenomenon of constitutional crowdsourcing, this incisive book examines democratic legitimacy, participation, and decision-making in constitutions and constitutionalism.” Read here.
La desnaturalización de la zona sar en el mediterráneo central: de pieza clave para salvar vidas a instrumento contra los derechos humanos.
Author: Claudia Jiménez Cortés Published: 01 July 2022
Keywords: zona SAR, naufragio, salvamento, rescate, lugar seguro, inmigración, Libia, Unión Europea
“El presente trabajo cuestiona la validez de dicha zona tanto por la incapacidad material de la guardia costera libia para desarrollar la función de salvamento en su zona SAR, como por la imposibilidad de poder considerar a aquel Estado como «puerto seguro». Su creación y funcionamiento, de hecho, no son sino un reflejo más de la política de externalización de fronteras de la UE que, en este caso, tiene como consecuencia añadida la desvirtuación de un principio tan esencial y antiguo como es el deber de socorro en el mar, cuya única finalidad debería ser «salvar vidas».” Read here.
El papel de Europol en la lucha contra el tráfico de migrantes y la trata de seres humanos
Author: Cristina Blasi Casagran, Published: 2018,
Keywords: migration.
“Este artículo examina las funciones de Europol según el reciente Reglamento de Europol en la prevención y lucha contra el tráfico de …” Read here.
La Unión Europea y la lucha contra los traficantes y tratantes de migrantes en Libia: balance tras el fin de la Operación Sophia.
Published: 2020
Keywords: Smuggling, Migration
“This article aims to take stock of the measures that the European Union has put in place to
combat smugglers and human traffickers in Libya, at a time when one of the instruments that has played a
leading role in this fight…” Read here.
El nuevo mapa de las agencias del espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia
Author: Montserrat Pi Llorens, Published: April, 2017,
Keywords: Security and Justice, European agencies
“El mapa de las agencias del Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia se encuentra inmerso en un proceso de cambios que ha aportado ya novedades notables y que dista mucho de estar cerrado.” Read here…
The European Union’s Accession To The Istanbul Convention And Its Indirect Enforcement: Strengthening The European Values
Lidia Ballesta Martí
Data Protection /AI
The new Europol legal framework: Implications for EU Exchanges of information in the field of law enforcement
Author: Cristina Casagran
Published: 2017
Keywords: Data Protection
“In the aftermath of 9/11, existing counterterrorism laws have been reinforced worldwide. Within the EU, the effort of member states to protect their citizens against other possible attacks is reflected in the increasing number of EU measures adopted within the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ). These measures involve also…” Read here
Reflections on the murky legal practices of political micro-targeting from GDPR perspective.
Authors: Cristina Blasi Casagran, Mathias Vermeulen. Published: 20 August 2021
Key words: Data Protection
“This article seeks to explore one of the recent controversial EU debates related to political micro-targeting (PMT): is the practice of PMT compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?” Read here.
Global data protection in the field of law enforcement: An EU perspective.
By Cristina Casagran, Copyright 2017.
Key Words: Human rights, Data Protection
“This study examines a key aspect of regulatory policy in the field of data protection, namely the frameworks governing the sharing of data for law enforcement purposes, both within the EU and between the EU and the US and other third party countries.” Read Here.
Fundamental Rights Implications of interconnecting Migration and Policing Databases in the EU
Author: Cristina Blasi Casagran Published: 08 February 2021
Keywords: Interoperability, EU, migration, security.
“On 11 June 2019, two Interoperability European Union (EU) Regulations entered into force. With it, six existing EU databases created for security and border management purposes merged into one single, overarching EU information system operating with the purpose of changing the way front-line officers worked in various tasks. The main objective of these Regulations was…” Read here.
AI developments and emerging tech laws in the current
digital era
The Role of Emerging Predicting IT Tools in Effective Migration Governance
Author: Cristina Blasi Casagran, Colleen Boland, Elena Sánchez Montijano, Eva Sánchez
Published: 2021
Keywords: migration, security.
“Predicting mass migration is one of the main challenges for policymakers and NGOs working with migrants worldwide. Recently there has been a considerable increase in …” Read here.
Developing AI predictive migration tools to enhance humanitarian support: The case of EUMigraTool
Developing AI predictive migration tools to enhance
humanitarian support: The case of EUMigraTool
Data & Policy , Volume 6 , 2024, e64
Surveillance in the European Union
Author: Cristina Blasi Casagran
Published: 2017 , In book: The Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law (pp.642-658) Edition: 1.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press,
Keywords: Security
“This chapter provides an overview of the major regulations and case-law governing surveillance in the European Union (EU) over the last several years. lt examines the EU…” Read here.
Diversity, Autonomy and Solidarity in Multinational States: Current Developments in the Spanish-Catalan and the Jews-Arabs Political Disputes
Authors: Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen and Antoni Abat i Ninet,
Online Publication Date: 12 Jan 2021
Keywords: Security, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Law
“The concept of the nation state – and specifically the tension between affirming solidarity among nation-state compatriots and respecting national minorities’ rights in order to preserve diversity and secure their autonomy – has been on the global agenda over the last two centuries, especially in Europe.” Read here.
International Law
Las víctimas de trata y tráfico en Libia: una oportunidad que la Corte Penal Internacional no debe dejar pasar
Author: Claudia Cristina Jimenez Cortes
Publish: 3 Mar 2021
Title of host publication: La Corte Penal Internacional 20 años después.
Response to Prof. Mallat’s review of the Arab Spring
Author: Antoni Abat i Ninet, Mark Tushnet
Publication: The American Journal of Comparative Law, Volume 66, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 229–232
Keywords: International Law,
“The Arab Spring is, as its subtitle indicates, an “essay” on ideas about revolution and constitutionalism.1 We chose the term “essay” deliberately, to signal that the book offers reflections and speculations on ideas important to thinking about constitutional law.” Read here…
Sustainability and Climate Change
Integrating Sustainable Development into the Adoption of Emergency Orders for the Protection of the Common Heritage of Mankind and the Marine Environment
Author: Sebastián Preller-Bórquez
Online Publication Date: 21 Oct 2021, In: The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law.
Keywords: Sustainability, International Law
“Subjacent to the concept of sustainable development lies a narrative of prevention or mitigation of damages that can constitute a useful argumentative mechanism. In particular, this narrative provides coherence to the motivation behind emergency orders issued by…” Read here.
The Sustainable Development Goals and the Application of International Law: The Case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
Authors: Mariona Cardona-Valles, Sebastián Preller-Bórquez
Published: 2022
Keywords: Sustainability
“In this article, it is examined the role that the sustainable development goals may play in the harmonious interpretation and systemic integration of international law.” Read here.