Vés al contingut
- Broccatelli, Chiara, Marie Curie Fellow (UAB)
- González Echevarría, Aurora (Catedrática, UAB)
- Gómez Mestres, Sílvia (Professora, Departament d’Antropologia, UAB)
- Grau Rebollo, Jordi (Profesor Titular, UAB)
- Kristensen, Regnar (María Zambrano fellow)
- Lubbers, Miranda Jessica (Catedràtica Laboral, UAB)
- Molina González, José Luis (Catedrático, UAB, GRAFO Coordinator)
- Piella Vila, Anna (Profesora Titular, UAB)
- Valenzuela García, Hugo (Profesor agregado, UAB)
Investigadores/as associats
Estudiants de doctorat
- Marcelo Maureira, candidato predoctoral, José Luis Molina & Raphael Cantillana.
- Jorge Moreira Peña , predoctoral grant ANID, Anna Piella.
- Sigrun Valsdóttir , doctoral grant of the University of Iceland, international joint doctorate, Miranda Lubbers & Kirsten Loftsdóttir (University of Iceland)
- Brenda Kosi Andrias, MSCA grabt, José Luis Molina & Josip Franinc
- Miria Gambardella, MSCA grant, Hugo Valenzuela & Regnar Kristensen
- Lara Desiree Brinker , Miranda Lubbers
- Julie Green , Miranda Lubbers
- Karla Nahuelpán Sánchez , predoctoral grant ANID, Miranda Lubbers.
- Victor Villegas, predoctoral grant ANID, Jordi Grau Rebollo.
- Clara Guzman Villaboy , Jordi Grau Rebollo and Anna Piella.
- Maria Camila García Yepes , Anna Piella and Jordi Grau Rebollo.
- Miroslav Pulgar, predoctoral grant ANID, Silvia Gómez Mestres, José Luis Molina.
Investigadors postdoctorals
- Beatriz Patraca. Postdoc EmpowerUs.
- Michał Bojanowski (Abril 2022 – Abril 2026). Postdoctoral fellow hired for 4 years full-time in the ERC Advanced Grant project PATCHWORK.
- Alejandro Ciordia (Nov. 2021 – Nov. 2024). Postdoctoral fellow hired for 3 years full-time in the Volkswagen Foundation project INCLUSIVITY.
- Yunsub Lee (Abril 2022 – Abril 2026). Postdoctoral fellow hired for 4 years full-time in the ERC Advanced Grant project PATCHWORK.
Investigadors postdoctorals visitants
- Ariana Garrote Hammer. Early Postdoctoral Mobility fellow, Swiss National Science Foundation. “Dynamics of social relationships within an international school” (Sept. 2017- Aug. 2018).
- Laure Sandoz. Postdoctoral researcher, Institut de Geógraphie, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland (July-October 2019).
- Konýa, Hanna. Postdoctoral researcher, Corvinus University, Hungary (November 2017 – May 2018).
- Smietniansky, Silvina. Postdoctoral researcher. Centro de Estudios en Historia, Cultura y Memoria (CEHCMe-UNQ CONICET/ Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentina (September – November 2017)
Estudiants de Máster i doctorat visitants
- Alexi Quintana. PhD Candidate, Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, US (January 2022-September 2022).
- Livia Tomás. PhD Candidate (Project IP33 of the NCCR – On the Move), Institute of Sociology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (October 2021 – March 2022).
- Cristina Herraiz Lizán (PhD Candidate, Desarrollo Local y Cooperación Internacional, University of Valencia (October 2018- July 2019).
- Agnese Capurri. Master student (Sociology), University of Trento, Italy (April 2022 – July 2022).
- Francesca Gori. PhD Candidate, en Economics and Food Policies, University of Bolonia (May 2022 – October 2022).
Previs investigadors visitants
- Mara Lin Visser (investigadora i cineasta independient, Holanda). Octubre 2018 – Setembre 2019.
- Pedro Arturo Gómez (Argentina) September 2019 – October 2019
- Luis Martínez-Chàfer (researcher from the Universitat Jaume I). December 2018 – January 2019.
- Herraiz, Cristina (Universitat Jaume I)
- Konýa, Hanna (Corvinus University) October 2017 – May 2018
- Coradini, Lisabete (Department of Anthropology of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) September 2017 – July 2018
- Garrote, Ariana (Postdoctoral grant holder of the Swiss National Science Foundation) – September 2017 – August 2018
- Álvarez Plaza, Consuelo (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
- Smietniansky, Silvina (Centro de Estudios en Historia, Cultura y Memoria (CEHCMe-UNQ CONICET/ Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; CONICET Argentina) September – November 2017
- Keck, Max (Doctoral student of the Institute for Sociology of the University of Münster, Germany)
- Reynoso, Jorgelina (ENAH, Mexico D.F.)
- Suiu, Adriana (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló & Universitatea de Vest – Timișoara, Romania) Predoctoral visiting researcher, 2016-2017
- López García, Juan Carlos (UNAM, Mexico), 2015
- Aguiar, Lisi (Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
- Díaz Cruz Rodrigo (Department of Anthropology, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico). Visiting researcher, 2004 and 2015-16 (sabbatical)
- Martínez, Julieta (Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico). Predoctoral research visit; research grant CONACYT, 2015-16
- Oliver, Daniela (UAM, Mexico)
- Camacho, Karla (UAM, Mexico)
- Álex Damasceno (Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). Predoctoral visiting researcher, 2014-2015. Fellowship CAPES
- María Eugenia Santana Echeagaray (Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Mexico). Invited visiting researcher, 2014. Scholarship CONACYT
- Travancas, Isabel (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). Visiting researcher, 2013
- Enríquez Santamaría, Roberto (Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mèxic). Predoctoral visiting researcher, 2013.
- Ribeiro, Filipa (Universidade de Porto, Portugal). Predoctoral visiting researcher, 2013
- Besserer, Federico (Department of Anthropology, Universidad Nacional Autònoma de México, Mexico). Visiting researcher, 2013
- Rayas, Lucía (Universidad de California, Mexico). Visiting researcher, 2012
- da Cunha, Tiago Augusto (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil). Predoctoral visiting researcher, 2012
- Lagarde, Margarita (Department of Neurobiology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico). Visiting researcher, 2010
- Aguirre Vidal, Gladis (Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Stockholm, Sweden). Visiting predoctoral researcher, 2010
- St. Jacques, Ermitte (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Florida, USA); visiting researcher, 2010.
- Kónya, Hanna (Cornivus University of Budapest, Hungría); predoctoral visiting researcher 2007-2008
- McCarty, Christopher (Survey Director, University of Florida Survey Research Center, and Associate Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Florida). Invited visiting researcher, 2007.
- Lerner, Jürgen (Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Konstanz, Germany). Visiting researcher, 2006.
- Nivón Bolán, Eduardo (Department of Anthropology, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico). Visiting researcher, 2006.
Colaboradors/es anteriors
- Renáta Hosnedlová (2017-2018). Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship (left in 2018 due to the possibility of tenure in France).
- Lobato Rodríguez, Marta (Doctoral Fellowship Fundació La Caixa, UAB)
- Hosnedlová, Renáta (Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher, UAB), until September 2018
- Aguilar, Claudia, until 2012
- Indurain, Gustavo, until 2013
- Puig Artigas, Ivone, until 2013
- Torrens Arnal, Miriam, until 2016