Welcome to the GReLA website
The GReLA consolidated research group focuses on the in-depth examination of the acquisition and use of English in contemporary Catalonia. It adopts a
multilingual, multi-method and interdisciplinary perspective, as it
incorporates researchers working within the fields of corpus linguistics,
second/foreign language acquisition and teaching, and sociolinguistics.
GReLA is a very dynamic and highly internationalised team made up of 14 researchers who are at different stages of their academic career (senior, junior,
postdoctoral and predoctoral). Their members have a solid track of high-quality
research that is regularly funded through competitive projects. GReLA
researchers have long-standing links with national and international research
centres, and collaborate regularly with academics located in different parts of
the world.
GReLA was funded by AGAUR in the last SGR call (40,000€).

To contact us: gr.linguistica.anglesa@uab.cat