Irene Tort Cots holds an MA in Research in Language and Literature Teaching and an MA in Advanced English Studies. Now, she is a PhD candidate in Teaching of Language and Literature from Universitat de Barcelona. She is an instructor in the Early Childhood Education Degree at UVic-UCC Universitat Central de Catalunya, and she also collaborates in the Master’s Degree of Technology-Mediated Language in Teaching at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her research interests include teachers’ beliefs, teaching and learning in plurilingual contexts and foreign language teaching and learning. She is a current collaborator of the research group GReLA (2021SGR00684) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and of the research group PLURAL at Universitat de Barcelona. She teaches English for Specific Purposes at the undergraduate level of the Early Childhood Education Degree, the Nursing Degree and the Podiatry Degree. Also, she is a tutor and collaborator in the UOC MA program.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4964-892X