7 March 2024, 12:15, SE 112 (PH Luzern) M. Rosa Garrido Sardà- Invited talk – English Immersion as Family Language Policy: Affective Dimensions of Children’s Language Investment in a Family-run Space. Dissemination activity of the ENIFALPO R+D Project

2nd February 2024: International Workshop on Peer Interaction in the L2 Classroom, UAB, https://peerinteractionworkshop2024.weebly.com/
Sala de Graus, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres. PID2019-107328GB-I00

25 January 2023, 12 pm, Seminari Guillermina Cenoz: Invited talk – Key Sociolinguistic Aspects of Study Abroad in Europe: a cross-national, mixed methods approach
Dr. Vasilica MOCANU (Universidad de Salamanca).

17-19 January 2024: ENIFALPO Research Project. International Seminar “Exploring New Directions in Family Language Policy: Contexts, Methods and Perspectives”, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real.

18th November 2023: Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester, Featured partner and Guest lecture, Barcelona Research Symposium, Multilingual Learning Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, American School of Barcelona: Pair dynamics and language-related episodes in child EFL peer-interaction.

Invited talk – Dr Dafna Yitzhaki, Kibbutzim College of Education, Israel
17th November 2023, 10:00am – Room 203
English Shared Education in Israel as a Translanguaging space: An Inside Look from the classroom.

EFLIC Reading Group 2023-2024 1st session
3rd November 2023 at 1pm on Teams
Invited online talk: A task-supported language approach to teaching L2 pragmatics, Dr Júlia Barón, Universitat de Barcelona.

Irene TORT – PhD Defence
9th November 2023, 4:30pm, Campus Mundet, UB (Facultat d’Educació de la UB a la sala 140 de l’Edifici Llevant): La interacció oral en l’ensenyament i aprenentatge de l’anglès en el marc de la formació d’adults: estudis de cas a través de les creences.

29th September 2023: Eva Codó. Invited plenary. Centre de Recerca en Sociolingüística i Comunicació (CUSC), UB, Actes de celebració dels 25 anys: L’anglès a la Catalunya contemporània: apunts sociolingüístics.

17th May 2023: Eva Codó. Guest lecture, Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR), University of Southampton, UK: “You need to make people want to talk to you”: Spanish adolescents’ discourses about their year abroad experience in an English-speaking country.
17th May 2023: Eva Codó. Guest lecture, Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR), University of Southampton, UK: “You need to make people want to talk to you”: Spanish adolescents’ discourses about their year abroad experience in an English-speaking country.
13th May 2023: Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester. Invited plenary. II Jornada d’Educació Infantil. L’aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa en els sis primers anys de vida, UVic-UCC: Aprendre i ensenyar anglès a l’Educació Infantil. Is “the younger the better” still a myth?”.
March 2023: Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester. Guest Lecture, Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London, UK: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): creating opportunities for foreign language learning in a content class.
March 2023: Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester. Invited Research Seminar, Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London, UK: Task-based peer-interaction in primary school English as a Foreign Language programmes: linguistic and interactional development.