Dr Ana Fernández-Montraveta holds a PhD in Linguistics and Communication and an MA in Computational Linguistics. She is currently an associate professor in the English and German Department at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and has been the leader of the Inter-University Research Group on Language Applications (GRIAL) for more than 14 years. Her research focuses on English-Spanish contrastive analysis, more specifically on the field of constructions. In the last few years, she has carried out research on aspectuality, modality and factuality, always at the sentence level. Especially relevant is her participation in the creation of various resources, among which there is the Spanish WordNet 3.0, highly useful for translation between Spanish and English, and several corpora annotated with linguistic information. She co-authored the books Clasificación verbal. Alternancias de diátesis and Las construcciones con “se” en español, and over 70 publications. She has led and participated in several projects related to corpus compilation and annotation (MCyT-PB98-1226, BFF2001-5440-E, 194 MQD 2002, BFF2003-06456, HUM2006-27968-E, HUM2007-65267, FFI2008-02579-E/FILO, FFI2011-27774, FFI2017-84008-P).

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4657-1805

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