- Codó, E. and Sunyol, A. (2024) “L’aprenentatge vital de l’anglès”: els discursos de famílies catalanes sobre la mobilitat educativa adolescent a l’estranger. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 34, 13-29.
- Comelles, E., Curell, H., Castellón, I. and Aparicio, J. (under review). Assessing factuality in Spanish: do experts and non-experts agree? RESLA 37.
- Fernández Montraveta, A., Vázquez , G. and Curell, H. (2024). The contribution of aspectual auxiliary verbs to the factual value of verb periphrases in Spanish: An empirical study. Research in Corpus Linguistics 12/1: 30–58.
- Garrido, M.R. (in press, 2024). Linguistic inequality in the humanitarian sector: Unraveling English-centric multilingualism. In Roth, S., Purkayastha, B. and Denskus, T. (Eds.), Humanitarianism and Inequality. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Garrido, M.R. and Codó, E. (2024) Localising international schools in multilingual Switzerland: From parental strategies to institutional dual-language programmes. Language, Culture and Curriculum. Published ahead of print.
- Menna, L. and Codó, E. (2024) Barcelona street vendors’ voice and the crossing of narrative (b)orders. In Riley, K., B. Perley & I. García-Sánchez (Eds.) Language and Social Justice: Global Perspectives. Bloomsbury.
- Sunyol, A. and Browning, P. (2024) The pedagogy of personality: Becoming better people in the English language Learning and Teaching Space”. Special issue ed. by Highet, K. and Nyssen, S. (Eds.) “Being/Becoming better people: personality, morality and language education”, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 285, 133-153.
- Sunyol, A. and Codó, E. (under review) Activistas de la inmersión. Cómo las intermediarias moldean las experiencias de aprendizaje adolescente en el extranjero. In Perales, A., O. Alvarez & M. Hansen (Eds.) Escuela, Inmigración y Multilingüismo. Madrid: Síntesis.
- Vázquez, G., Castellón, I., Curell H. and Fernández-Montraveta, A. (under review). CORPUS GS TAGFACT: A factuality GOLD STANDARD for Spanish. Language Resources and Evaluation.
- Codó, E. (Ed.) (2023)Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. Routledge, 246 pp.
- Codó, E. (2023) Introducing Global CLIL: Critical, ethnographic and language policy perspectives. In Codó, E. (Ed.) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives (pp. 1-24). Routledge.
- Codó, E. (2023) Languaging teachers: CLIL and the politics of precarisation in Catalonia. In Codó, E. (Ed.) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives (pp. 174-197). Routledge.
- Fernández Montraveta, A and Castellón, I. (2023). Inter-Annotator Agreement for the Factual Status of Predicates in the TAGFACT Corpus. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 56(111), 59-75.
- Garrido, M.R. (2023). Humanitarian neutrality and language at the International Committee of the Red Cross. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 80, 28-44.
- Garrido, M.R. & Del Valle, J. (2023). Language and neutrality: Glottopolitical processes and consequences. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 80, 3-9.
- Heller, M. and Garrido, M.R. (2023). Les langues inventées et le bien commun. In Hébert, M., Saillant, F. & Bourdages Duclot, S. (Eds.), Savoirs, utopies et production des communs (pp.139-150). Editions des archives contemporaines, France. ISBN : 9782813004505. Open Access: https://eac.ac/articles/6926
- Machin, E., Ament, J. and Pérez-Vidal, C. (2023). Motivation and investment: Exploring the choice of English-medium instruction for mid-degree undergraduates in Catalonia. Journal of English-Medium Instruction 2(1), 79-100.
- McDaid, J. and Sunyol, A. (2023) “GAPS”, workers with no schedule: hybrid forms of casualised/voluntary workers in ESA boarding schools.” In Schedel, L. and Jakubiak, C. (Eds.)Voluntourism and Language Learning/Teaching: Critical Perspectives (pp. 243-268). Palgrave.
- Relaño-Pastor, A. M. and McDaid, J. (2023). Exporting European CLIL to India: Flexible Appropriations for Complex Language Debates. In Codó, E. (Ed.), Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives (pp. 27-51). Routledge. Menna, L. and Codó, E. (in press, 2023) Barcelona street vendors’ voice and the crossing of narrative (b)orders. In Riley, K., B. Perley & I. García-Sánchez (Eds.) Language and Social Justice: Global Perspectives. Bloomsbury.
- Thomas-Wilhelm, D. and Pladevall-Ballester, E. (to appear in 2023). Atomicity and Countability in Linguistically-Informed Instruction: Acquisition of L2 English Noun Types.
- Türk-Yiğitalp, G. (2023). Speaking Lazuri Beautifully: Discourses on Lazuri as an Endangered Language. In Ünlü, Z. and Hewitt, B.G. (Eds.) Lazuri: An Endangered Language from the Black Sea. pp. 177-200. Vernon Press.
- Vázquez, G., and Fernández-Montraveta, A. (2023). “Los diccionarios ideológicos”. Torner, S., P. Battaner, I. Renau (ed.), Lexicografía hispánica / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography. Routledge.
- Vraciu A., and Pladevall-Ballester, E. (to appear in 2023). Language learning opportunities in the preschool EFL class: the role of the teacher’s input. In Leslie, C. and Mourao, S. (Eds.) Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Zhang, M. and Pladevall-Ballester, E. (2023). Students’ English-medium instruction motivation in three English-medium instruction courses in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1077852. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1077852.
- Browning, P., Highet, K., Azada-Palacios, R., Douek, T., Gong, E. and Sunyol, A. (2022) Conspiring to decolonise language teaching and learning: reflections and reactions from a reading group. London Review of Education. 2022. Vol. 20(1). DOI: 10.14324/LRE.20.1.42.
- Castellón, I, Fernández-Montraveta, A. and Alonso, L. (2022). “A Methodology for the Automatic Annotation of Factuality in Spanish”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 68, p. 111-121. ISSN: 1135-5948.
- Codó, E. & E. Riera-Gil (2022) The value(s) of English as global linguistic capital: A dialogue between linguistic justice and sociolinguistic approaches. In J. Soler & S. Morales-Gálvez (Eds.) Linguistic justice and global English: Theoretical and empirical approaches (special issue). International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 277: 95-119.
- Codó, E. (2022) The dilemmas of experimental CLIL in Catalonia. In Jaspers, J. (ed.) “Linguistic dilemmas and chronic ambivalence in the classroom” (special issue). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 43(4): 341-357.
- Fernández-Montraveta, A. and Vázquez, G. (2022). “Corpus y Patrones Léxicos en Español como L2”. In Parodi, G., P. Cantos, C. Howe (Ed.), Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics, cap. 24 (p. 357-373). UK: Routledge. ISBN: 9780367350123.
- Fernández, A., G. Vázquez, M. Topor (2022). “A contrastive study of the degree of grammaticalization of verbal periphrases in Catalan, Spanish and Romanian”. A M. Garachana, S. Montserrat, C. Dieter, From verbal periphrases to complex predicates. IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature Series, 31, 211-233. John Benjamins Publishers. e-ISSN: 9789027256928.
- Garrido, M.R. (2022). Multilingual Lausanne: Collaborative linguistic landscaping as a pedagogical and research tool in higher education. In Krompàk, E. and Todisco, V. (Eds.), Sprache und Raum: Mehrsprachigkeit in der Bildungsforschung und in der Schule (pp.285-304). HEP Verlag.
- Garrido, M.R. (2022). The evolution of language ideological debates about English and French in a multilingual humanitarian organisation. Language Policy, 21, 47-73.
- Garrido, M.R. (2022). Multilingualism, nationality and flexibility: Mobile communicators’ careers in a humanitarian agency. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 41(2), 131-152.
- Garrido, M.R and Sokolovska, Z. (2022). Regard historique sur les régimes multilingues de deux organisations internationales : le Conseil de l’Europe et le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge. In Haus, R., Robert, C., Vicari, S. and Gaboriaux, C. (Eds.), Le multilinguisme dans les organisations internationales, Special Issue of Mots. Les langages du politique, 128, 27-44.
- Pladevall-Ballester, E., Puig-Mayenco, E., Tubau, S. and Capdevila, M. (2022). Asymmetries in child foreign language acquisition: production, interpretation and judgements of null subjects. RAEL (Revista electrónica de lingüística aplicada), 21/1, 40-57.
- Vraciu, A. and Pladevall-Ballester, E. (2022). L1 use in peer interaction: exploring time and proficiency pairing effects in primary school EFL. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(4), 1433-1450. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2020.1767029
- Vraciu, A. and Curell, H. (2022). Language learning opportunities in native vs. non-native EMI lecturer input: Insights for a language-aware approach to EMI teacher training. Interactive Learning Environments, 16 (4), 337-350. DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2022.2059666