On the 12th of December at 12:00 Professor José Antonio Fernández Amor will present the book “Digitalización, empresa y derecho” in his role as director and coordinator. The book highlights key findings related to the impact of digitalization in businesses, featuring eleven chapters written by members of the DIGIDRET research group. It is a key outcome of the project “Reorientación de los instrumentos jurídicos para la transición empresarial hacia la economía del dato” (Ref: PID2020-113506R-100).

Event details:

Date: 12th of December.

Time: 12:00.

Loaction: vestíbul de la planta 0, Biblioteca de Ciències Socials (UAB).

The event will be held both in person and online via Teams platform. For more information, you can follow the link below: https://www.uab.cat/ca/biblioteques/noticies/20241210/presentacio