The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is one of the major public universities in Spain, and it is in Cerdanyola del Vallès, near the city of Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain. The university consists of 57 departments in the experimental, life, social and human sciences, spread among 13 faculties/schools. All these centres together award a total of 85 qualifications in the form of first degrees, diplomas, and engineering degrees. Moreover, almost 80 doctoral programs, and more than 80 others postgraduate programs are offered. UAB has more than 40,000 students and more than 3,600 academic and research staff. The UAB is a pioneering institution in terms of fostering research. There are many research institutes in the campus, as well as other research centres, technical support services and service-providing laboratories, and the ALBA (synchrotron) located in the Barcelona Synchrotron Park is very close to the UAB.

The UAB Institute of Law and Technology (IDT), housed at the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, is a research center promoting cutting-edge research on Law, Ethics and Technology from a multidisciplinary perspective. The IDT-UAB has extensive experience as ethical and legal partner of EU funded research projects. It is internationally renowned for its expertise in legal and ethical compliance of data-driven technologies in different domains. Research areas include ethical AI, data protection and privacy and algorithmic legal and ethical governance.

The IDT role in EU Projects entails: (i) identifying the ethical and legal framework; ii) defining the ethical and legal requirements that must be observed in all research activities; (iii) assessing the legal, ethical and societal risks of the technologies and providing technical and organizational mitigation measures; (iv) assisting Consortium partners with legal and ethical issues; (v) setting up a robust monitoring strategy to ensure compliance, involving independent experts as members of the Independent Ethics Board.

IDT researchers also contribute significantly to the organization of specialized workshops, and the dissemination of the project findings and results through scientific publications and presentations in the main Data Protection and Law & Technology Conferences and Workshops (e.g. IVR, Jurix, ICAIL, and AICOL).

The IDT is a Consolidated Research Center recognized by the Catalan Government. 

News & Events

    The Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) participated in the last Plenary Meeting of OPTIMAI project, held in MicrochipTech premises in Caldicot (Wales), between the 4th and 5th of June of 2024. As we are approaching the end of the project, we surveilled the development of the main legal, ethical… Read more: OPTIMAI 6TH PLENARY MEETING
    A representation of the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) participated in the 1st Plenary Meeting of INDUX-R project in FORTH premises in Heraklion (Crete, Greece), celebrated in May 13th and 14th of 2024. Together with our partners, we are shaping a transformative tomorrow through the use of XR, AI,… Read more: 1st INDUX-R PLENARY MEETING
  • Jornadas interinstitucionales: Digitalización, Empresa y Derecho
    Desde el IDT les invitamos a las próximas “Jornadas Interinstitucionales: Digitalización, Empresa y Derecho”, que tendrán lugar los días 16 y 17 de mayo. El evento se llevará a cabo en la Casa de la Convalescència de Barcelona, ubicada en el Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 171-4, 08025, Barcelona,… Read more: Jornadas interinstitucionales: Digitalización, Empresa y Derecho
  • INDUX-R Kickstarts
    We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) is part of the new INDUX-R. As the ethical lead partner, we will contribute with our expertise across various aspects of the project through its Working Packages and reports. We dedicate our efforts to ensure that the… Read more: INDUX-R Kickstarts
  • 38th Annual BILETA Conference
    Today, IDT researcher Andrea Guillén participated in the 38th Annual BILETA Conference at the Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute (ALTI) with the presentation “Automated Decision-Making under the GDPR: Towards the Collective Dimension of Data Protection.”


How to reach us

Faculty of Law, B Building, Department of Political Science and Public Law, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain)

IDT @ Google Maps