We are pleased to announce that DIGIDRET will organize the “II Jornades Grup DIGIDRET: Gènesi d’un dret digital empresarial”. Following the previous sessions dedicated to Digitalization and Law, these sessions will share the results of the research project “Reorientación de los instrumentos jurídicos para la transición empresarial hacia la economía del dato”, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-113506R-100, REFERENCIA DEL PROYECTO/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).
-Dates: 10th (9:30-13:15) and 11th of April (8:45-14:00)
-Location: Aula Magna, Faculty of Law (UAB, Campus Bellaterra).
For more information, you can follow the link below to the complete program:
II Jornadas Grupo Digidret (Programa)
- IDT-UAB ceases its activity on X
The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) has decided to deactivate its accounts on the social network X, “as long as its ownership does not cease with its interference and the promotion of attitudes that are far from respectful and socially responsible“. The Institute of Law and Technology (IDT-UAB) is following this initiative by ceasing all its activities on this platform. You can read the full notice by clicking the imatge below.
In case you want to stay tunned with our projects and updates, you can now follow our new account on Bluesky
- Seminar “Patrimonio digital y su fiscalidad: las transmisiones”
We are pleased to announce that Ana Cediel, lecturer in financial and tax law, will present the seminar “Patrimonio digital y su fiscalidad: las transmisiones”. This activity is part of the project lead by IDT researcher José Antonio Fernández Amor, “Reorientación de los instrumentos jurídicos para la transición empresarial hacia la economía del dato” (PID2020-113506RB-100).
The seminar will take place in Sala Victoria Kent, at the Faculty of Law of the UAB, the 14th of February 2025 at 12:00 am (CET). Attendance is available both in-person and remotely via Teams. For more information, you can follow up the next link: PROGRAM.
- Book presentation: “Digitalización, empresa y derecho”
On the 12th of December at 12:00 Professor José Antonio Fernández Amor will present the book “Digitalización, empresa y derecho” in his role as director and coordinator. The book highlights key findings related to the impact of digitalization in businesses, featuring eleven chapters written by members of the DIGIDRET research group. It is a key outcome of the project “Reorientación de los instrumentos jurídicos para la transición empresarial hacia la economía del dato” (Ref: PID2020-113506R-100).
Event details:
Date: 12th of December.
Time: 12:00.
Loaction: vestíbul de la planta 0, Biblioteca de Ciències Socials (UAB).
The event will be held both in person and online via Teams platform. For more information, you can follow the link below: https://www.uab.cat/ca/biblioteques/noticies/20241210/presentacio
- Seminar “El euro digital”
We are pleased to announce that DIGIDRET will organize the seminar “El euro digital”, conducted by Dr. Jorge Miquel Rodríguez (UAB). This event is part of the project “Reorientación de los instrumentos jurídicos para la transición empresarial hacia la economía del dato” (Ref.: PID2020-113506RB-100).
The seminar will take place in Sala Victoria Kent (Faculty of Law, UAB), on December 13th at 12:00. Attendance is available both in-person and remotely via Teams. For more information, you can visit the next link: PROGRAM.
- INDUX-R 2nd Plenary Meeting
We are thrilled to announce that the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT-UAB) has participated in the INDUX-R 2nd Plenary Meeting held in Barcelona during the 18th and 19th of November at Eurecat premises. Together, the partners had the opportunity to discuss groundbreaking AI technologies that are transforming events organization, industry, medical training, cultural tourism and sportscars broadcasting. As the legal partner, our researchers contributed with its expertise in the guidance of the consortium on the legal, ethical and societal framework applicable to these fields.
You can find more information about INDUX-R project in: https://indux-r.eu/
The new publication titled “Digitalización, empresa y derecho” is available as an open-access resource in Atelier-Libros Jurídicos (ISBN: 97-88410-17499-3). Directed and coordinated by Professor José Antonio Fernández Amor, member of the Institute of Law and Technology, the book presents key findings related to the impact of digitalization in businesses. The publication adresses relevant questions such as: How does digitalization affect conflicts of interest? How is teleworking regulated? Can an enterprise be constituted online? What measures deal with the protection of consumer’s data? Can a company count with financial support to initiate its digitalization process? How are tax authorities using artificial intelligence? By exploring these and other questions, the book aims to enhance the understanding of the relationships among digitalization, business, and law.
Link to the book (Open Access): https://atelierlibrosjuridicos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Digitalizacion-empresa-y-derecho_Ebook.pdf
- Seminario “Inteligencia regulatoria” de DIGIDRET
El próximo martes, 22 de octubre a las 12:00 horas en la sala Victoria Kent de la Facultad de Derecho de la UAB, la Dra Eileen Matus Calleros realizarà la ponencia titulada “Inteligencia regulatoria”, en el marco del seminario del Grup de recerca DIGIDRET.
Una vez finalizado el acto, la Biblioteca de Ciencias Sociales de la UAB acogerá, a las 13:00 horas, el acto de presentación del libro El futuro de la regulación en la era digital. Temas selectos (Tirant lo Blanch, Ciudad de México, 2024), coordinado por la Dra. Matus.
La Dra. Eileen Matus Calleros es directora ejecutiva de la consultoria Reg(X) Simplificando la función (Mèxic). Cuenta con una sólida experiencia como professora investigadora de la Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública, del Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, e imparte docencia en la Universidad Panamericana.
El seminario se realizará en formato híbrido a través de TEAMS. Pueden acceder a la retransmisión y consultar más información en el siguiente enlace: PROGRAMA
The Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) participated in the last Plenary Meeting of OPTIMAI project, held in MicrochipTech premises in Caldicot (Wales), between the 4th and 5th of June of 2024. As we are approaching the end of the project, we surveilled the development of the main legal, ethical and societal impacts of the new technologies that OPTIMAI brings.
You can learn more about the new advances of the project by following the next link: https://optimai.eu/
A representation of the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) participated in the 1st Plenary Meeting of INDUX-R project in FORTH premises in Heraklion (Crete, Greece), celebrated in May 13th and 14th of 2024. Together with our partners, we are shaping a transformative tomorrow through the use of XR, AI, and secure 5G-enabled IoT. Our representatives focused on the presentation of the main legal and ethical requirements of the project, as well as establishing a strong monitoring and enforcement strategy. With the involvement of the Ethics Board (EB), we ensure that the outcomes of the project comply with the legal, ethical and societal requirements of the European framework. Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to the organizers for the warm hospitality provided.
You can learn more about the project by following this link: https://indux-r.eu/
- Jornadas interinstitucionales: Digitalización, Empresa y Derecho
Desde el IDT les invitamos a las próximas “Jornadas Interinstitucionales: Digitalización, Empresa y Derecho”, que tendrán lugar los días 16 y 17 de mayo. El evento se llevará a cabo en la Casa de la Convalescència de Barcelona, ubicada en el Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 171-4, 08025, Barcelona, con opción de asistencia presencial y online.
Bajo la dirección de los profesores José Antonio Fernández Amor, Josep Cañabate Pérez y Mónica Perna Hernández, estas jornadas mostrarán las nuevas experiencias y los avances actuales vinculados a los procesos de digitalización aplicados a entidades, instituciones y empresas. El evento estará estructurado en torno a mesas y debates. Pueden consultar las sesiones en el siguiente enlace: Programa.
Les adjuntamos el siguiente formulario para registrar su asistencia a la conferencia y recibir el enlace de TEAMS para seguir la transmisión:
- INDUX-R Kickstarts
We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) is part of the new INDUX-R. As the ethical lead partner, we will contribute with our expertise across various aspects of the project through its Working Packages and reports. We dedicate our efforts to ensure that the project and its innovative capacity aligns with the values and legal framework of the European Union.
Aiming to address both market demands and societal needs, INDUX-R is at the forefront of European industrial innovation, employing XR technologies to create immersive and impactful solutions. With a strong commitment to ethical standards and user engagement, INDUX-R is paving the way for a future where technology enhances human experiences in sustainable and meaningful ways.
More information in: https://indux-r.eu/
- 38th Annual BILETA Conference
Today, IDT researcher Andrea Guillén participated in the 38th Annual BILETA Conference at the Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute (ALTI) with the presentation “Automated Decision-Making under the GDPR: Towards the Collective Dimension of Data Protection.”
- 4th OPTMAI Plenary Meeting
This week, IDT researchers Emma Teodoro and Andrea Guillén attended the 4th OPTIMAI Plenary Meeting at Televés Headquarters in Santiago de Compostela
- ITFLOWS 5th Steering Committee & General Assembly
IDT researchers Emma Teodoro and Andrea Guillén attended the ITFLOWS project 5th Steering Committee & General Assembly in Florence past February 4th.
Next Monday 19 December, we will hold the AIGEL full-day scientific workshop with the collaboration of the IIIA-CSIC, from 9am to 6.45pm CET. A panel of twenty-three international speakers will offer a multidisciplinary approach to Ethics and AI.
The event will take place at the Sala de Graus of UAB – Facultat de Dret, and via Teams.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
- The fifth AIGEL session at the UAB Faculty of Law
On Wednesday 14 December, we held the fifth AIGEL session at the Faculty of Law of the UAB. We would like to thank Professor Nardine Osman (IIIA-CSIC) for her great conference “Value Engineering in AI”, as well as Professor Enric Plaza (IIIA-CSIC) for chairing such an interesting and enlightening discussion. It has been an excellent last AIGEL afternoon session.
Next Monday 19 December we will hold the closing full-day AIGEL workshop. Details will be posted soon.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
Next Wednesday 14 December at 2.30pm, we will hold the 5th AIGEL session. Professors Carles Sierra and Nardine Osman (IIIA-CSIC) will be our main speakers with the conference “Value Engineering in AI”. The open discussion will be chaired by Professor Enric Plaza (IIIA-CSIC).
The session will be held in the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty and via Teams.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
- The fourth AIGEL session at the UAB Faculty of Law
On Wednesday, 30 November, we held the fourth AIGEL session at the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty. We would like to thank Nadia Pocher (IDT-UAB) for her insightful conference “Detecting Anomalous Cryptocurrency Transactions: AML/CFT/CPF applications of Machine Learning-based Forensics”, as well as Professor Carles Górriz (IDT-UAB) for chairing such a dynamic and instructive open discussion.
Next session will take place on Wednesday, December 14th.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
Next Wednesday 30 November at 2.30pm, we will hold the 4th AIGEL session. Nadia Pocher (IDT-UAB) will be our main speaker with the conference “Detecting Anomalous Cryptocurrency Transactions: AML/CFT/CPF applications of Machine Learning-based Forensics”. The open discussion will be chaired by Professor Carlos Górriz (IDT-UAB).
The session will be held in the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty and via Teams.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
- The third AIGEL session at the UAB Faculty of Law
Last Wednesday 16 November we held the third AIGEL session. We would like to thank our speakers, Professors Pablo Noriega and Enric Plaza (IIIA-CSIC), for their inspiring conference: “Policy Simulation as an Instance of the Value Alignment Problem”. And special thanks to Professor Nardine Osman (IIIA-CSIC) for chairing such an interesting discussion.
Next session will take place on Wednesday, November 30th.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GOVERNANCE: ETHICS and LAW (3rd Session)
Next Wednesday 16 November at 2.30pm, we will hold the 3rd AIGEL session. Professors Pablo Noriega and Enric Plaza (IIIA) will be our main speakers with the conference “Policy Simulation as an Instance of the Value Alignment Problem”. The open discussion will be chaired by Professor Nardine Osman.
The session will be held in the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty and via Teams.
For more information, please contact with mario.macias@uab.cat
- The second AIGEL session at the UAB Faculty of Law
On Wednesday 9 November, we held the second AIGEL session at the Faculty of Law of the UAB. We would like to thank all participants for their support, especially Professor John Zeleznikow for his bright presentation “Online Dispute Resolution Governance: Ethics and Law”, and Professor Louis de Koker for chairing the open discussion.
Next Wednesday 9 November at 2.30pm, we will hold the 2nd AIGEL session. Professor John Zeleznikow (LAWTECH, La Trobe) will be our main speaker with the conference “Online Dispute Resolution Governance: Ethics and Law”. The open discussion will be chaired by Professor Louis de Koker.
The session will be held in the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty and online.
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
- The first AIGEL session at the UAB Faculty of Law
The first AIGEL session was held at the UAB Faculty of Law last Wednesday. Professors Susana Navas (dean of the Law Faculty) and Felip Manyà (deputy director of the IIIA-CSIC) opened and presented the series of seminars. Professor Pompeu Casanovas (IDT-UAB) carried out the first presentation: “Present Issues in AI, Ethics and Law”. Professor Louis De Koker (LawTech, La Trobe University) took then the floor with the second presentation of the day: “The Application of AI Technologies to Support the Combating of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction”. We want to thank all the speakers and attendees for their participation. It has been an excellent and promising kick-off!
For more information, please contact mario.macias@uab.cat
First session of the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GOVERNANCE: ETHICS and LAW will take place next Wednesday November 2nd. Professors Susana Navas (Dean Faculty of Law UAB), Esther Zapater (UAB Secretary and IDT Director), and Carles Sierra (IIIA-CSIC Head) will open the series of seminars. Lectures will be held by Professors Pompeu Casanovas (IDT-UAB), Pablo Noriega (IIIA-CSIC), and Louis de Koker (La Trobe). The final discussion will be chaired by Dr. Carles Sierra.
For more information, please contact with mario.macias@uab.cat
Next Wednesday November 2nd the series of seminars ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GOVERNANCE: ETHICS and LAW will start. The seminars have been organized by the Institute of Law of Technology (UAB), the IIIA-CSIC, and Law Tech (La Trobe University). We will hold five sessions and a final whole-day workshop dealing with different aspects related to the role of Artificial Intelligence in legal and political governance.
Sessions will be held in the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty, and online (via Teams).
For more information, please contact with mario.macias@uab.cat
IDT researcher Andrea Guillén participated in the 3rd Joint ERCIM – JST WORKSHOP, organized by ERCIM at INRIA Siège-Rocquencourt (Versailes). Her presentation titled “Ethical and Legal Aspects of Human-Centricity in Smart Factories: The OPTIMAI Approach” offered an insightful overview on the human-centric approach in Industry 5.0.
To learn more about OPTIMAI’s work, visit optimai.eu“
- IDT @ ITFLOWS Plenary meeting
ITFLOWS partners met at the Casa de la Convalescència (Barcelona) for the ITFLOWS 2nd Annual Meeting to present their research outputs and discuss the current status of the project. IDT-UAB team attended the event as ITFLOWS ethical lead partner and leaders of WP2 and WP10. Researchers Dr. Emma Teodoro and Andrea Guillén presented the ethical monitoring activities conducted during the second year of the project and the next steps.
To learn more about ITFLOWS, visit https://www.itflows.eu/
- IDT @ OPTIMAI’s midterm review
OPTIMAI’s partners presented their findings, results and successes at the midterm review that was held in Brussels. The review meeting has concluded after a successful day of presenting & reporting by the consortium.
To learn more about OPTIMAI’s work, visit optimai.eu