Esther Zapater


Former Dean of the UAB Law School, is Lecturer in Public International Law and International Relations at the UAB. She has been visiting professor at several European universities: Panthéon-Assas (France), Moscow State Law Academy (Russia) and Toulouse-Capitole (France). In recent years her research interests are focused on civil and criminal cooperation within the European Area of Security, Freedom, and Justice. She is also member of the Institute for the research on the practice of law, from the Catalan Government. She has also participated in several competitive research projects.

Pompeu Casanovas

Founder & Former Head of the IDT

Prof. Pompeu Casanovas [h-Index: 33] is Professor of Law and Legal Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Key Researcher at the EU H2020 Projects LYNX, SPIRIT, OPTIMAI and RiOE (Marie Curie). He has been Key Researcher at the Australian government-funded Data to Decisions CRC Project (2017-2020). His most recent projects are i-Move (La Trobe Centre for Technology Infusion), Onto-ROPA (EU, New Generation Internet), and Meta-Issues in Cyber-security (an IEEE SA Industry Connection Program).

Prof. Casanovas has authored, co-authored or edited over 30 books and more than 200 scientific articles in the area of Law and Technology. His research interests include philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, pragmatics, cyber-security, legal theory, socio-legal studies, collective knowledge and reasoning, democracy on the Web of Data, intellectual history, and regulatory models for the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. Some of the Journals in which he has published are the Journal of Knowledge Management, The International Review of Law Computers & Technology, Artificial Intelligence & Law, Philosophy and Technology, Computer Law & Security Review, Journal of Governance and Regulation, Health and Technology, Semantic Web Journal, Information Systems Frontiers. He is also General Co-Editor of the Law, Governance and Technology Series (LGTS, Springer Verlag), the Journal of Open Access to Law (JOAL, University of Cornell), and the Journal of Catalan Intellectual History (de Gruyter Open, Sciendo).

Jorge González-Conejero

Executive Director

Dr. Jorge González-Conejero graduated in Computer Science at the UAB (2003). He holds a PhD in Computer Science. He is currently Executive Director at the UAB-IDT. His research interests are focused on Access to Justice through new technologies, Image and Video Processing, Knowledge acquisition, and Data Protection. He has authored and co-authored over 30 contributions to international conferences, indexed international journals and book chapters. He has more than 10 years of experience participating in European and national research projects. Furthermore, he serves as reviewer and program committee in several journals and Series (among them, the LGTS at Springer).

Emma Teodoro

Senior Researcher

Dr. Emma Teodoro received her PhD degree in Political Science and Public Law in 2015 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. She has a wide expertise in assessing legal and ethical implications of data-driven technologies within European Projects in the field of Security, Justice and Industry, such as CAPER, SAVASA, PREACT, TAKEDOWN, SPIRIT, LYNX, ITFLOWS and OPTIMAI. She also serves as independent ethics advisor of the Ethical Advisory Boards in EU Security projects. Her research interests include AI Ethics, legal and ethical compliance of data-driven technologies, data protection, judicial systems, ethnography of legal institutions and legal organizations, audiovisual ethics codes of professional practices and Law & Image.

Guillem Izquierdo Grau

Serra Húnter Lecturer

Guillem Izquierdo Grau holds a PhD in private law (2017), currently a lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His recent research interests have focused on product liability, lack of conformity of goods and the processing of personal data by automated systems. He has published the results of his research in prestigious international journals (EUCML, ERPL). He has carried out several research stays in European universities: Osnabruck (2019), Leiden (2023), Rijeka (2024).

Anna Capellà Ricart

PostDoc Researcher

Dr. Anna Capellà Ricart is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Law and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is currently involved in the Horizon Europe project INDUX-R. She holds a PhD in Constitutional Law. Her doctoral dissertation (Algorithmic discrimination: risks, regulation, jurisdictional guarantees, and institutional guarantees) discussed the strengths and the weaknesses of the anti-discrimination European law, the GDPR, and the AI Act to face up to algorithmic discrimination.

Andrés Chomczyk Penedo

PostDoc Researcher

Andrés Chomczyk Penedo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He obtained a PhD in Law at the Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Large Research Group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he remains as an Affiliated Researcher. Before this, he obtained his law degree from Universidad Austral (Argentina) and a master’s degree on data protection from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). 

His PhD was done in the context of the PROTECT MSCA ITN project, where he was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow from 2019 to 2023. His PhD research focused on innovative ways to empower individuals to make meaningful, informed decisions about their data in the context of the EU 2020 Data Strategy. By borrowing notions from EU financial services regulation, the dissertation explored the possible existence of a duty of assistance from data controllers to data subjects to help in the navigation of data-related choices by improving current transparency practices under an interdisciplinary (ethical, legal and computer science) approach.

His research activities and interests are focused on the intersection between data protection and financial services, with an extensive track-record of activities and publications dealing with both EU and Latin American regulations.

Nil Bosch

Project Manager

Dr. Nil Bosch is Project Manager at the Institute of Law and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He holds a PhD in Contemporary History, focused in the accession of Spain and Portugal into the European Communities. Also, Nil has obtained a Master’s Degree in European Studies, a Master’s Degree in Contemporary History and a History Degree.  Additionally, he is member of the Center of Studies on Dictatorships and Democracies (CEDID).

Carlos Górriz

Associate Professor

Senior lecturer of Business Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Ph.D. in Law by the Università degli Studi di Bologna (1995) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1998). During the last years, his research is focused on law and technology, antitrust & IP, company law, shipping law and international business law. He has been the IP of some Spanish research projects, and he is member of the Incoterms Experts Committee of the Spanish Section of the International Chamber of Commerce. More information at

María José Rodríguez Puerta

Associate Professor

María José Rodríguez holds a PhD in Law from the University of Barcelona (UB, Lleida Section) He started her academic career at the University of Lleida, and in 2001 she got a position as a lecturer in Criminal Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her area of interest focuses on criminality related to Public Administration and corruption. She has also delved into other fields of inquiry, such as Prison Law and Victimology. Recently, her research lines have included economic crime, sanctions, criminal policy guidelines, the liability of political parties, and restorative justice related to economic crime. She has authored dozens of academic works, including commentaries to several articles of the Spanish Criminal Code. As a researcher, she has participated in several national and international projects Since 2004, María José Rodríguez has been the secretary of the Revista Derecho y Proceso Penal of the Thomson-Reuter-Aranzadi publishing house.

Antoni Roig

Associate Professor

Prof. Dr. Antoni Roig is professor of Constitutional Law at the UAB Law School. He has been researcher of national and European projects. His research focuses on data protection and privacy issues. His recent publications have concerned privacy and technology. He has published in the areas of sources of Law, European Law, Data Bases, e-Government, free speech and technology, and citizens’ and workers’ privacy. He holds a doctorate in law at the UAB and has conducted post doctorate research at Università Cattolica di Milano (Milano, 1996-1997) and Università degli Studi di Firenze (Firenze, 1997). He is currently enrolled in a Computer Science Technical Engineering degree at the Open University of Catalonia.

José Antonio Fernández Amor

Full Professor

Dr. José Antonio Fernández Amor is Full Professor of Tax Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. In recent years, his lines of research have focused on the tax consequences of the irruption of new technologies such as robotics in production processes, the legal regime of public contributions to alleviate the consequences of in-work poverty, and the international exchange of tax information and crypto-assets as taxable wealth. He is currently IP on the project “Reorientation of legal instruments for the business transition to the data economy” funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Eliseo Sierra

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the UAB since 2006 to nowadays. My lectures include commercial arbitration and mediation, methodology of the legal research, air, maritime, insurance, commercial law. Visiting professor and researcher at the Universities of Oslo (Norway), Sheffield, Southampton, and London (UK), Bologne, Rome and Cagliari (Italy), Michigan and Georgia (United States). Main Researcher of the Group of Research “Autonomous Driving and Legal Certainty of Transport”, del Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencias, Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021. Modalidad: Investigación No Orientada Tipo B. PID2021-123070NB-I00 (2022-2025) and member of other competitive research projects. Previously, I have been working also as commercial lawyer in insurance, maritime, transport controversies, other than as a substitute judge in civil matters in Barcelona.

Miquel Gardeñes

Associate Professor

Associate professor of private international law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) since 2002. Law degree from the University of Barcelona (1989), Diplôme d’Études Approfondies in European Community Law from the University of Social Sciences of Toulouse, France (1991) and Doctor in Laws from the UAB (1997, with an extraordinary doctorate award). He was director of the Department of Private Law at the UAB between 2009 and 2012. He has participated in various projects and research groups funded by the Ministries of Education and Science and Innovation, by the BBVA Foundation, by the Mission de Recherche Droit et Justice (French groupement d’intérêt public created in 1994 by the French Ministry of Justice and by the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique) and by the European Commission. Author of numerous publications, especially on private international law of the European Union, European internal market law, foundations and companies in private international law, the historical aspects of conflict of laws, international employment contracts, and the free movement of persons in the Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Member of the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations (AEPDIRI), of the Spanish Forum of Private International Law (FEDIP), reviser of the Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado (since 2006) and member of the editorial board of the Revista Española de Derecho Internacional (since 2019). Speaker or lecturer invited by, among others, the following institutions: College of Europe (Natolin campus, Warsaw), European Commission (Brussels, TAIEX program), European Economic and Social Committee, Complutense University of Madrid, Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Granada, University of Girona, University of Valencia, Public University of Navarra, University of the Basque Country, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole (France), University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki (Greece), University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN) in El Salvador and the Barcelona Law Bar.

Jorge Miquel Rodríguez

Senior Lecturer with Tenure

Jorge Miquel is a Profesor Titular (Senior Lecturer with Tenure) of Commercial Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research focuses on different areas of commercial law, especially company law, contract law, IP and new technologies, bankruptcy law and maritime law. He has coordinated or directed various collective projects, some of them in a conventional format, like Derecho de sociedades europeo (European Company Law), ed. Thomson Civitas, 2019 (codirector) or the Handbook Manual Derecho Mercantil I (Commercial Law I), ed. Atelier, 2022). He has directed as well, the MOOC in Coursera, Corporate Governance: mitos y realidades, the web page, Derechomercantilonline, or the blog Mercantilista sin ánimo de lucro.

Francisco Ramos Romeu

Full professor

Francisco Ramos is full professor in procedural law and lawyer for RYA Abogados SCP. His research interests focus on civil procedural law, judicial organization, and the economic analysis of procedural law, with several publications on these fields. Furthermore, he participated in the projects Derecho procesal y consumo (PGC 2018-096260BC22), Soluciones procesales al sobreendeudamiento del ciudadano (DER 2013\44137P), among other examples. Altogether, this activities encompassed areas of expertise such as the application of economic methodology to the study of law and the development of empirical studies, both serving as the foundation for procedural and organizational analysis and regulation. Also, Francisco Ramos was distinguished in 2013 with the award Premio Monique Raynaud-Contamine, conceded by the International Association of Lawyers.

Josep Suquet

Serra Húnter Lecturer

Serra Húnter Lecturer of Private International Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). PhD in Law from the UAB (Cum laude, 2013). In the latest years he has been a visiting researcher at various universities, including the Freie Universität in Berlin (2017), the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (2015) and the University of Barcelona (2014). He has been visiting professor at the Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios in El Salvador, Central America (2016, 2018, 2020, 2022). Josep Suquet has an extensive list of publications, including book chapters edited by prestigious publishers (Springer, Bruylant, Tirant lo Blanch) and articles in peer-reviewed international journals (European Journal of Law and Technology, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, International and Comparative Law Quarterly). His lines of research have focused on the protection of consumers in relations arising from the Internet and the digitalization in the field of Private International Law as well as on Online Dispute Resolution, as to how can technologies facilitate access to justice for consumers.

Nadia Pocher

LAST-JD PhD Candidate

Nadia Pocher is a doctoral researcher within the Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate – Rights of the Internet of Everything (LAST-JD-RIoE), funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN EJD G.A. No. 814177. She pursues her PhD at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (beneficiary), the KU Leuven – CiTiP, and the University of Bologna. In 2016 she received her five-year Master’s Degree in European and Transnational Law summa cum laude from the University of Trento. Her thesis titled “Enhancement of cross-border opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the framework of EU company law” was written at Utrecht University. In her doctoral research she investigates the Internet of Money and Distributed Ledger Technologies between anonymity and transparency. In this respect, her work addresses the challenges posed by cryptocurrency ecosystems to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing regime, with the final objective to provide EU-level regulatory guidelines.

Wendy R. Simon


Wendy R. Simon holds a degree in Political Science by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona) and a PhD in Contemporary Philosophy and Classical Studies by the University of Barcelona (UB, Barcelona) She is currently a lecturer in modern philosophy and in ethics at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona). Her lines of research include the foundations of Modern political theory and the crisis of contemporary liberal democracies. She is currently General Editor of the Journal of Catalan Intellectual History (JOCIH).