
The aim of this project is to contribute to increase awareness, strengthening and empowering of EU citizens’ rights through mobile technologies when they fall victims of a crime within the EU. Thus, the main idea envisaged in this proposal is to create a one-stop provider in EU smartphones and/or tablets regarding EU citizens’ rights when they fall victims of a crime, deploying a citizen-centric, user-friendly and dynamic mobile application for Android and iOS operative systems. The RightsApp applications will provide tailored knowledge from many sources: i) Victims’ rights Directive 2012/29/EU; ii) EU Strategy on Victims’ Rights; iii) national legal frameworks; and iv) supplementary information, for instance, the contact details of nearby victim associations, the criteria to obtain free legal aid, if you are a victim of terrorism, if you are a victim of gender-based crime, among others. Moreover, the RightsApp applications will gather non-personal information from citizens in form of a questionnaire in order to fit the provided information to every specific situation.


  • To research potentialities that mobile technologies offer to improve the empowerment of EU citizens regarding their rights when they fall victim of a crime
  • To design and implement a mobile application for Android and iOS (2) that will contribute to a more effective implementation of victims’ rights when they fall victims of crime
  • To pilot both multilingual applications in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian
  • To implement an efficient dissemination strategy to help citizens understand the capabilities of the RightsApp applications and the support that the designed technical solution may provide Activities
  • To design a questionnaire aimed at gather citizens’ current situation
  • To design a decision tree from the sources considered as key
  • To link the questionnaire and the decision tree
  • To implement two mobile applications devised to empower EU citizens when they fall victims of crime
  • To pilot both mobile applications
  • To disseminate the research and the result

Administrative Data


Type of Action: JUST-AG

Grant Agreement Number: 785854

Duration: 30 months

Start Date: 01 Mar 2018

Structure: 5 WPs and 22 Deliverables

RightsApp mobile applications

Download the Android version of the RightsApp application here

Download the iOS version of the RightsApp application here

Dissemination channels

The International Support Service has adopted the RightsApp mobile application as one step of its Emergency Protocol for students, teachers, researchers, and newcomers to the UAB. Take a look at its protocol at: https://www.uab.cat/web/movilidad-e-intercambio-internacional/international-support-service/viajar-al-extranjero-1345803556049.html

The RightsApp project appeared in the News section of Mossos d’Esquadra web page. Take a look at this new and follow the QR codes to download and install the app: https://mossos.gencat.cat/ca/detalls/Noticia/noticia_projecte_Rightsapp

The RightsApp project appeared in the News section of Barcelona City Council. Take a look at this new and follow the links to download and install the app: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/seguretatiprevencio/ca/noticia/en-funcionament-laplicacio-rightsapp_973687

Relevant documents

The RightsApp Zenodo community makes available all the public documents related to the development and implementation of the mobile applications and the funded project.