Alexander Fidora (PI)
Phone: +34 93 5868837
Dep. Ciències de l’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana
08193 Bellaterra-Cerdanyola (Barcelona)
Recent papers:
- «Die christlich-jüdische Disputation von Barcelona aus dem Jahr 1263: Wende- oder Höhepunkt?», in Mariano Delgado, Gregor Emmenegger and Volker Leppin (eds.), Apologie, Polemik, Dialog. Religionsgespräche in der Christentumsgeschichte, Basel/Stuttgart: Schwabe/Kohlhammer, 2021, pp. 191-206.
- «The Talmud in the Summa Halensis», in Lydia Schumacher (eds.), The Legacy of Early Francican Thought, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021, pp. 169-182.
- «The Latin Talmud and the Extension of Papal Jurisdiction over Jews», Medieval Worlds 11 (2020), pp. 152-164.
- «The Challenges of Editing a Polemical Translation from the Thirteenth Century. The Extractiones de Talmud», in Jeffrey Henderson and Richard Thomas (eds.), The Loeb Classical Library and Its Progeny, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2020, pp. 107-122.
- «The Influence of the Extractiones de Talmud on Anti-Jewish Sermons from the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries», in Alexander Fidora and Görge K. Hasselhoff (eds.), The Talmud in Dispute During the High Middle Ages, Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, 2019, pp. 235-247.
- — and Eulàlia Vernet, «Translating Ramon Martí’s Pugio fidei into Castilian», in Görge Hasselhoff and Alexander Fidora (eds.), Ramon Martí’s Pugio fidei: Studies and Texts, Santa Coloma de Queralt: Obrador Edèndum, 2017, pp. 241-259.«The Latin Talmud and Its Place in Medieval Anti-Jewish Polemic», in Ulisse Cecini and Eulàlia Vernet (eds.), Studies on the Latin Talmud, Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, 2017, pp. 13-21.
- — and Ulisse Cecini: «Nicholas Donin’s Thirty-Five Articles Against the Talmud: A Case of Collaborative Translation in Jewish-Christian Polemic», in Charles Burnett and Pedro Mantas-España (eds.), ‘Ex Oriente Lux’. Translating Words, Scripts and Styles in Medieval Mediterranean Society. Selected Papers, Córdoba/London: CNERU/The Warburg Institute, 2016, pp. 187-199.
- «Die Handschrift 19b des Arxiu Capitular de Girona: Ein Beitrag zur Überlieferungsgeschichte des lateinischen Talmud», in Hans-Christian Lehner et al. (eds.), Zwischen Rom und Santiago. Festschrift für Klaus Hebers zum 65. Geburtstag, Bochum: Winkler, 2016, pp. 49-56.
- «Textual Rearrangement and Thwarted Intentions: The Two Versions of the Latin Talmud», Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 2/1 (2015), pp. 63-78.
- «The Latin Talmud and its Translators: Thibaud de Sézanne vs. Nicholas Donin?», Henoch. Historical and Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Judaism and Christianity 37/1 (2015), pp. 17-28.
- «The Latin Talmud and Its Influence on Christian-Jewish Polemic», Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 1/2 (2014), pp. 337-342.
Recent books:
- Albertus Magnus und der Talmud (Lectio Albertina 20), Münster i. W.: Aschendorff Verlag, 2020.
- [Ed. with G. Hasselhoff:] The Talmud in Dispute During the High Middle Ages, Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB, 2019.
- [Ed.:] Polemic Translations of Jewish Texts During the Middle Ages (= Henoch. Historical and Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Judaism and Christianity 40/2 [2018]).
- Görge Hasselhoff and Alexander Fidora (eds.), Ramon Martí’s Pugio fidei: Studies and Texts, Santa Coloma de Queralt: Obrador Edèndum, 2017.
- Guiu Terrena, Confutatio errorum quorundam magistrorum, Latin text with Catalan and English translations by Alexander Fidora, Almudena Blasco and Celia López Alcalde, Santa Coloma de Queralt/Barcelona: IEC/Obrador Edèndum/UAB/URV (BPhMAC 3), 2014.
- [Ed. with H. Hames and Y. Schwartz:] Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts in Contexts, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013.
- [Ed. with A. Alberni, L. Badia, Ll. Cifuentes:] El saber i les llengües vernacles a l’època de Llull i Eiximenis – Knowledge and Vernacular Languages in the Age of Llull and Eiximenis, Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2012.
- Ed. with M. Tischler:] Christlicher Norden – Muslimischer Süden. Ansprüche und Wirklichkeiten von Christen, Juden und Muslimen auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter, Münster i. W.: Aschendorff, 2011.
- Ramon Llull, La Disputa entre la Fe i l’Enteniment, introduction and Catalan translation by Alexander Fidora and Josep Batalla, Santa Coloma de Queralt: Obrador Edèndum (TOLRL 3), 2011.
- Vincent Ferrer, De unitate universalis – Ma’amar nikhbad ba-kolel, Latin and Hebrew texts edited together with a Catalan and English translation by Alexander Fidora and Mauro Zonta, Santa Coloma de Queralt/Barcelona: Obrador Edèndum/UAB/URV (BPhMAC 1), 2010.