Isaac Lampurlanés Farré
Phone: +34 935868797
Latin Philology
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dep. Ciències de l’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana
08193 Bellaterra-Cerdanyola (Barcelona)
Isaac Lampurlanés Farré was born in Lleida (1990). He studied Classical Philology (2008-2012) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. In 2014 he obtained a Master’s degree on Medieval European Identity (Identidad Europea Medieval) at UdL, where he worked for the Consolidated Medieval Studies Research Group: Space, Power and Culture. Within this research group he collaborated in a local project funded by the town council on the study of the Jewish quarter of Lleida.
PhD Title: “Excerptum de Talmud: critical edition and study”. It consists of studying this epitome of the Extractiones de Talmud, which will provide us more information about the Disputation of Paris context and the Christian-Jewish controversy..
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