Harvey Hames
Ben-Gurion Univsersity of the Negev
Department of General History
Director, Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters David Berg and Family Chair in European History
P.O.Box 653
Beer-Sheva 8410501
- Harvey J. Hames (2015), L’Art de la conversió. El cristianisme i la càbala en el segle XIII, Palma/Barcelona: UIB/UB.
- Harvey J. Hames (2012), Ha-Melacha ha-Ketzara: Ramon Llull’s Ars brevis in Hebrew, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis 247, Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina: Supplementum Lullianum, vol. III, Turnhout: Brepols.
- Harvey J. Hames (2007), Like Angels on Jacob’s Ladder: Abraham Abulafia, the Franciscans and Joachimism, Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Harvey J. Hames (2000), The Art of Conversion: Christianity and Kabbalah in the Thirteenth Century, Leiden: Brill.
Books Edited:
- Alexander Fidora, Harvey J. Hames, Yossef Schwartz (2013), Latin into Hebrew: The Transfer of Philosophical, Scientific and Medical Lore from Christian to Jewish Cultures during the Middle Ages: History, Terminology, Methodology, Leiden: Brill.
- Harvey J. Hames (2010 and 2011), “Mediterranean Reflections: Studies in Honour of David Abulafia”, in Mediterranean Historical Review, vols 25:2; 26:1.
- Harvey J. Hames (2004), Jews, Muslims and Christians in and around the Medieval Crown of Aragon: Studies in Honour of Elena Lourie, Brill: Leiden.