Miquel Àngel Piera received his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 1988 and the Ph.D. from the same university in 1993. He is author of several scientific papers, and research books, and recently has been nominated by the Society for Computer Simulation for the Outstanding Professional Contribution Award (2013). Dr. Piera has participated as General Co-chair and Program Chair in the organization of several International conferences, and also has lead several speaks as Invited Speaker. At present Dr. Piera is the director of the research group Logisim, has supervised 6 Phd Thesis, has leaded several research projects, and at present in participating in 3 FP7 projects (FUPOL, T-TRANS, INTERACTION).
His current research interest area is the development of decision support systems through the causal analysis of logistic and transport systems.