Lab: Dr. Alberto Pendás
Center: Cancer Research Center (CIC-CSIC)
City: Salamanca
Topic: Creation of a Trip13 knockin mouse deficient in the ATPase function and a Usp44 knockout.
Lab: Dr. Maria Jasin
Center: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
City: New York City, USA
Topic: Study of the control mechanism of double-strand break repair during meiosis
Lab: Dr. Riccardo Zenezini Chiozzi
Center: Utrecht University
City: Utrecht, Netherlands
Topic: Study of the TRIP13 interactome
Lab: Dr. John Perry
Center: University of Cambridge
City: Cambridge, UK
Topic: Study of the genetic determinants of ovarian aging
Lab: Dr. Anna Murray
Center: University of Exeter
City: Exeter, UK
Topic: Study of the genetic determinants of ovarian aging
Lab: Dr. Eva Hoffmann
Center: University of Copenhagen
City: Copenhagen, Denmark
Topic: Study of the regulation of the follicle pool in female mammals
Lab: Dr. Scott Keeney
Center: Howard Hughes Medical Institut – Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
City: New York City, USA
Topic: Study of the control mechanism of double-strand break repair during meiosis
Lab: Dra. Neus Ferrer
Center: Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina, UAB
City: Cerdanyola del Vallès
Topic: Production of USP44 and BEND2 proteins.
Lab: Dr. Antoni Iborra
Center: Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina, UAB
City: Cerdanyola del Vallès
Topic: Production of polyclonal antibodies against USP44 and BEND2.
Lab: Dra. Anna Maria Pujol
Center: Center for Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy, UAB
City: Cerdanyola del Vallès
Topic: Production of a BEND2, USP44 and TRIP13 ATPase dead mutant mouse.
Lab: Dr. Elvan Boke
Center: Centre de Regulació del Genoma (CRG)
City: Barcelona
Topic: Study of ROS in mouse oocytes.
Lab: Dr. Attila Toth
Center: TU Dresden
City: Dresden, Germany
Topic: Comparison of the phenotype of the Trip13 ATPase dead mouse and Hormad1HA.
Lab: Dr. Miguel Brieño-Enriquez
Center: Magee-Womens Research Institute
City: Pittsburg, PA, USA.
Topic: Study of the impact of COVID19 in spermatogenesis
Lab: Dr. Riekelt Outkooper
Center: Amsterdam UMC
City: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Topic: Study of mitochondrial function in mouse oocytes.
Lab: Dr. Joao Mattos
Center: Max Perutz Labs
City: Viena, Austria.
Topic: Study of mitochondrial proteins in mouse oocytes.
Lab: Dr. Nancy Kleckner / Dr. Martin White
Center: Harvard University
City: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Topic: Study CO patterning in mice