Refereed journals

  • Miranda-Lescano, R., Muinelo-Gallo, L. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2024, “Human development and inequalities: The importance of social public spending”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 69, pp. 363-377. DOI:10.1016/j.strueco.2023.12.008.
  • Kyriacou, A.P. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2024, “Fiscal Decentralization and Health Care Access and Quality: Evidence from Local Governments Around the World”, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, vol. 54(2), pp. 313-338. DOI: 10.1093/publius/pjad049.
  • Miranda-Lescano, R., Muinelo-Gallo, L. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2024, “Redistributive efficiency of fiscal policy: The role of decentralization and good governance”, Regional & Federal Studies, vol.34(2), pp. 189-216. DOI:10.1080/13597566.2022.2092844.
  • Miranda-Lescano, R., Muinelo-Gallo, L. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2023, “Human development and decentralization: The importance of public health expenditure”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, vol. 94(1), pp. 191-219. DOI: 10.1111/apce.12373.
  • Kyriacou, A.P. , Okabe, T. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2022, “Conditional Political Budget Cycles: The Role of Time Preference”, Economics & Politics, vol. 34(1), pp. 67-91. DOI: 10.1111/ecpo.12187.
  • Kyriacou, A.P. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2021, “Does Decentralizing Public Procurement Affect the Quality of Governance? Evidence from Local Government in Europe”, Local Government Studies, vol. 47(2), pp. 208-233. DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2020.1729749.
  • Kyriacou, A.P. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2019, “Local Decentralization and the Quality of Public Services in Europe”, Social Indicators Research, vol. 145(2), pp. 755-776. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-019-02113-z.

Other journals

Other publications


Book chapter

  • Kyriacou A., and Roca-Sagalés, O. 2021, “Fiscal decentralization and governance quality: A review of the literature and additional evidence”, en I. Lago (ed), Handbook of Decentralization, Devolution and the State, Chapter 18, pp. 322-346, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 83910 327 8.
  • Muinelo Gallo L., Kyriacou A., Roca-Sagalés, O. 2017, “Uruguay”, en Muñoz, A.; Pineda, E.; Radics, A. (eds), Descentralización fiscal y disparidades regionales en América Latina. El potencial de las transferencias de igualación, Washington D.C: Banco Interamericano de Desarollo, capítulo 11, pp. 225-249, IDB-MG-568.
  • Munielo Gallo L. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2014, “Desigualdad y desempeño macroeconómico: las implicancias del diseño de la política fiscal. Resumen ejecutivo de recomendaciones de políticas públicas” en L. Harari, M. Mazzeo y C. Alemany (Coord.) Uruguay + 25. Documentos de investigación, Parte IV – 6, pp. 325-331, Fundación ASTUR – Red MERCOSUR, ISBN: 978-9974-32-635-4.
  • Ramos, X. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2012, “Long Term Effects of Fiscal Policy on the Size and the Distribution of the Pie in the UK: an updated analysis” in G. Giudice, R. Kuenzel and T. Springbett (Eds.) UK Economy: the crisis in perspective, Chapter 6, pp. 95-117, Routledge, ISBN: 978-92-79-19706-2.
  • Munielo L. and Roca Sagalés, O. 2011 “Economic Growth, Inequality and Fiscal policies: A Survey of the Macroeconomics Literature” in R.L. Bertrand (Ed.) Theories and Effects of Economic Growth, Chapter 4, pp. 99-119, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-61209-795-4.

  • Roca Sagalés, O. and Sala H. 2010, “Public Capital Effects and Regional Spillover in Spain” in J.R. Cuadrado-Roura (Ed.) Regional Policy, Economic Growth and Convergence: Lessons from the Spanish Case, Chapter 9, pp. 187-209, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-02177-0.

  • Roca Sagalés, O. i  Sala, H.  2004, “Anàlisi de la productivitat del teixit empresarial català”,  Capítol 4 de l’ Anuari de la Pime catalana 2004,  Estudis de PIMEC.

  • Roca Sagalés, O.  2001, “Infraestructuras”,  Capítulo 6 del ‘Plan de Desarrollo de la isla de Tenerife’, Cabildo de Tenerife.

  •  Roca Sagalés, O. 1995,  “Evaluación del impacto de los fondos Feder sobre el producto y la ocupación: el caso de Cataluña”, Vol. III Economía del Transporte, V Congreso Nacional de Economía – Economía de los Servicios, pp. 383-397.



Macroeconomic and distributive effects of fiscal policies (with Leo Muinelo and Hector Sala).
Decentralization, Regional Inequality and the Quality of Government (with Andreas Kyriacou).

Local Decentralization and the quality of public services in Europe (with Andreas Kyriacou). Data available in: