Over the last few years our team of archaeologists has carried out many excavations and exhaustive studies in Tarraco and its surroundings. The main objective of the studies has been to better understand the landscape and the relations of production and domination projected on the territory of the province.

Among our most outstanding interventions are the excavations in Roman villas, from the Republic to Late Antiquity. Meticulous stratigraphic excavations have uncovered architectural structures with their respective drainage systems and working tools.

We have not only focused on the ancient past, but have also investigated the landscape transformations that occurred in the region during the Late Antiquity and, albeit partially, during the Middle Ages. In addition to excavations, we have also carried out geophysical surveys using state-of-the-art technology. This has allowed us to identify subterranean features and to carry out detailed mapping of the archaeological topography, which has broadened our understanding of the historic landscape as a whole.