Practical Information for Attendants

Basic Rate: 70 euros (includes coffee breaks and welcome pack).

Payment must be made by bank transfer to the account of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona BBVA IBAN ES05 0182 6035 4902 0160 9978 (BIC BBVAESMM), stating RED SEA CONFERENCE XI – followed by the name.

Once the payment has been made, the receipt of the payment must be sent to the conference oficial email

The Attendance Registration deadline is 29 April.

Practical Information for Accepted Posters and Sessions

In order to formalize your participation in the conference, it is necessary to pay one of the following rates:

A) Basic rate: 140 euros (includes opening cocktail, lunches during the three days of the conference (5-7 June), morning and evening coffee and welcome pack) 

B) Basic rate + closing dinner (7 June) 180 Euros

C) Day trip to Ampurias (8th June): 40 euros including bus and lunch. 

Payment must be made by bank transfer to the account of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona BBVA IBAN ES05 0182 6035 4902 0160 9978 (BIC BBVAESMM), stating RED SEA CONFERENCE XI – followed by the name of the presenter and the option chosen (A, B, C). For example:

Red Sea Conference XI_Joan Oller_A+B+C

Red Sea Conference XI_Jorge de Torres_A+C

The payment of the basic fee is obligatory for each participant, the participation in the farewell dinner, the excursion or both is optional. 

Once the payment has been made, the receipt of the payment must be sent to the conference oficial email

The registration deadline for the conference is 29 February

If you have any queries regarding the registration process or any other issues or questions related to the conference organisation, please write to