Veterinary Mycology Group

The research group of Veterinary Mycology (GMV) is a recognised research group by the Government of Catalonia from 2002. The GMV is a group located in the Veterinary School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The group focuses on the study of fungi as causative agents of pathological processes related to infectious diseases and micotoxicosis that can affect both animals to humans. In the research, microbiological techniques, chromatography techniques and molecular biology techniques are used to identify and characterize the fungi that produce mycotoxins. They also have a multidisciplinary equipment to make the diagnosis, study and treatment of fungal disease in various domestic species. The interest lies in the importance of identifying the agents of mycotoxins to control the presence of mycotoxins in food and to reduce the incidence of acute or chronic micotoxicosis in humans and animals, which are related to cancer and immunosuppression processes. For the study of fungal infection in animals, they want to know the etiology and pathogenesis of such diseases which are in some cases important zoonoses.


Our research group has a long-standing interest in mycology and has more than 150 papers in journals. The GVM has been involved in EU projects and National projects supported by the Spanish and the Catalan Governments (CICYT, INIA, SGR). The GMV collaborates with international research institutes and has external links with industry.