
Oliver Valero

Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

  • (2022)

  • (2022)

  • (2022)

  • (2022)

  • (2022)

  • Oliver Anglès A, Camprubí Condoma L, Valero Coppin O, Oliván Abejar J (2021)
    Prevalencia y factores asociados al consumo de bebidas energéticas
    en jóvenes de la provincia de Barcelona

    Gaceta Sanitaria, 35(2): 153-160
  • Heras E, Garibaldi P, Boix M, Valero O, Castillo J, Curbelo Y, Gonzalez E, Mendoza O, Anglada M, Miralles JC, Llull P, Llovera R, Piqué JM (2020)
    COVID-19 mortality risk factors in older people in a long-term care center
    European Geriatric Medicine, 12, 601–607
  • Soria A, Pedregal P, Sánchez-Delgado J, Miquel M, Casas M, Solé C, Dalmau B, Gil M, Valero O, Vergara M (2020)
    Evolution of a spanish cohort of patients with autoinmune hepatitis
    Revista de Medicina Clínica, 2020;04(03):e12102004002
  • Garcimartín P, Comín-Colet J, Pardo-Cladellas Y, Badosa N, Linas A, Rosenfeld L, Faraudo M, Valero O, Hidalgo E, Cainzos-Achirica M, Ruiz S, Delgado-Hito P (2020)
    Validation of the Spanish version of the questionnaire on Patient Empowerment in Long-Term Conditions
    PLOS ONE, 15(6): e0233338
  • Sibila M, Guevara G, Cuadrado R, Pleguezuelos P, Pérez D, Pérez de Rozas A, Huerta E, Llorens A, Valero O. Pérez M, López L, Krejci R, Segalés J (2020)
    Comparison of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and porcine circovirus 2 commercial vaccines efficacy when applied separate or combined under experimental conditions
    Porcine Health Management, 6, Article number: 11
  • Rodriguez-Muguruza S, Combe B, Guillemin F, Fautrel B, Olive A, Marsal S, Valero O, Rincheval N, Lukas C (2020)
    Predictors of fatigue and persistent fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: a longitudinal observational study, data from the ESPOIR cohort
    Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 49:4, 259-266
  • Oliver A, Camprubí L, Valero O, Oliván J (2020)
    Prevalence and associated factors to energy drinks consumption among teenagers in the province of Barcelona (Spain)
    Gaceta Sanitaria
  • Fernández R, Molina JL, Valero O (2020)
    Satisfaction with Social Support Received from Social Relationships in Cases of Chronic Pain: The Influence of Personal Network Characteristics in Terms of Structure, Composition and Functional Content
    International Journal Environmental Research Public Health, 17(8), 2706
  • Rodríguez-Vázquez L, Vons O, Valero O, Martí J (2019)
    Hydroxyurea Exposure and Development of the Cerebellar External Granular Layer: Effects on Granule Cell Precursors, Bergmann Glial and Microglial Cells
    Neurotoxicity Research, 35, 387–400
  • Brunet E, Hernández L, Miquel M, Casas M, Sánchez-Delgado J, Dalmau B, Valero O, Vergara M (2019)
    Analysis of predictive response scores to treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with primary biliary cholangitis
    Medicina Clínica, Volume 152, Issue 10, 17 May 2019, Pages 377-383
  • Mayans C, Blanco J, Valero O, Vidal F, Sarrate Z (2018)
    Unpaired sex chromosomes in metaphase I human spermatocytes locally modify autosomal bivalents positioning
    Asian J Androl, Volume 20, Issue 6, Page 626-628
  • Gallach M, Vergara M, da Costa JP, Miquel M, Casas M, Sanchez-Delgado J, Dalmau B, Rudi N, Parra I, Monllor T, Sanchez-Lloansí M, Dosal A, Valero O, Calvet X (2018)
    Impact of treatment with direct-acting antivirals on anxiety and depression in chronic hepatitis C
    PLOS ONE, 13(12): e0208112
  • Fernández-Peña R, Molina JL, Valero O (2018)
    Personal Network Analysis in the Study of Social Support: The Case of Chronic Pain
    International Journal Environmental Research Public Health, 15(12), 2695
  • Ayasreh N, Bullich G, Miquel R, Furlano M, Ruiz P, Lorente L, Valero O, García-González MA, Arhda N, Garin I, Martínez V, Pérez-Gómez V, Fulladosa X, Arroyo D, Martínez-Vea A, Espinosa M, Ballarín J, Ars E, Torra R (2018)
    Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease: Clinical Presentation of Patients With ADTKD-UMOD and ADTKD-MUC1
    American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Volume 72, Issue 3, September 2018, Pages 411-418
  • Sarrate Z, Blanco J, Valero O, Vidal F (2018)
    A comprehensive analysis of chromosomal anomalies in metaphase II spermatocytes from infertile patients
    Asian J Androl, Volume 20, Issue 1, Page 105-106
  • Parra-Uribe I, Blasco-Fontecilla H, Garcia-Pares G, Martinez-Naval L, Valero O, Cebria-Meca A, Oquendo M, Palao M (2017)
    Risk of re-attempts and suicide death after a suicide attempt: A survival analysis
    BMC Psychiatry, 17, 163
  • Molina, V.; Rodríguez-Vázquez, L.; Owen, D.; Valero, O.; Martí, J. (2017)
    Cell cycle analysis in the rat external granular layer evaluated by several bromodeoxyuridine immunoperoxidase staining protocols
    Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 148, pages 477–488
  • Fallon M, Valero O, Pazos M, Anton A (2017)
    Diagnostic Accuracy of Imaging Devices in Glaucoma: Meta-Analysis
    Survey of Ophthalmology
    ISSN: 1752-9921
  • Sarrate, Z., Blanco, J., Valero, O., & Vidal, F. (2017)
    A comprehensive analysis of chromosomal anomalies in metaphase II spermatocytes from infertile patients.
    Asian journal of andrology.
  • Parra-Uribe I, Blasco-Fontecilla H, Garcia-Pares G, Martinez-Naval L, Valero O, Cebria-Meca A, Oquendo M, Palao M (2017)
    Risk of re-attempts and suicide death after a suicide attempt: A survival analysis
    BMC Psychiatry17:163
  • Gallach M, Vergara M, Miquel M, Casas M, Sánchez-Delgado J, Dalmau B, Gil M, Rudi N, Parra I, López M, Dosal A, Moreno L, Valero O, Calvet X (2016)
    Effects of a multidisciplinary approach on the effectiveness of antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis C
    Annals of Hepatology 15(4):524-31
  • Solé M, Blanco J, Valeo O, Vergés L, Vidal F, Sarrate Z (2016)
    Altered bivalent positioning in metaphase I human spermatocytes from Robertsonian translocation carriers
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Epub
  • Vergara M, Bejarano G, Dalmau B, Gil M, Miquel M, Sanchez-Delgado J, Casas M, Puig J, Martinez-Bauer E, Dosal A, Lopez M, Moreno L, Valero O, Bella MR, Calvet X. (2015)
    Usefulness of indirect non-invasive methods to predict progression to cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis C
    European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology27(7):826-33
  • Tutté ML, Avellanet M, Valero O, Haro D, Torrero JI. (2015)
    The association of WOMAC, HSS and isokinetic strength and fatigue of knee muscles in people with osteoarthritis following total knee replacement
    Isokinetics and Exercise Science23, 61-67
  • Fraile L, Segalés J, Ticó G, López-Soria S, Valero O, Nofrarías M, Huerta E, Llorens A, López-Jiménez R, Pérez D, Sibila M. (2015)
    Virological and serological characterization of vaccinated and non-vaccinated piglet subpopulations coming from vaccinated and non-vaccinated sows.
    Preventive Veterinary Medicine119(3-4):153-61
  • Valle X, Til L, Drobnic F, Turmo A, Montoro JB, Valero O, Artells R. (2014)
    Compression garments to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness in soccer players
    Muscles Ligaments Tendons J.24;3(4):295-302
  • Serrabou M, del Amo JL, Valero O. (2014)
    Efecto de 24 semanas de entrenamiento de fuerza a moderada-alta intensidad en ancianos.
    Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología49(3), 115-120
  • Costa-Farré C, Prades M, Ribera T, Valero O, Taurà P. (2014)
    Does intraoperative low arterial partial pressure of oxygen increase the risk of surgical site infection following emergency exploratory laparotomy in horses?.
    The Veterinary Journal, 200(1), 175-180
  • Vergés, L., Blanco, J., Valero, O., Vidal, F., & Sarrate, Z. (2014).
    Chromosome size, morphology, and gene density determine bivalent positioning in metaphase I human spermatocytes.
    Fertility and sterility, 101(3), 818-824.
  • Ferrer-Roca, V., Bescós, R., Roig, A., Galilea, P., Valero, O., & García-López, J. (2014).
    Acute effects of small changes in bicycle saddle height on gross efficiency and lower limb kinematics.
    The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 28(3), 784-791.