The C.I.P.A. (Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée de Mons, Belgium), the University of Mons (Facultat de Traduction et d’Interprétation and Laboratoire de Phonétique) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Facultat de Lletres and Institut de Ciències de l’Educació) organised, in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici CIELS in Padua, a training course in the Verbo-Tonal method of corrective phonetics and oral language teaching from 2 to 11 July 2014.

Goals: to train teachers of French, Catalan, Spanish, English and/or Italian in the application of the Verbo-Tonal method in the teaching and learning of foreign or second languages.

Dates: 2-11 July 2014 Duration: 45 hours of face-to-face classes

Address:  Scuola Superiore per Mediatori LinguisticiCIELS (SSML CIELS). Via Venier 200, 35127 Padova (Italie).

Certification: All participants will receive

  • a certificate of participation awarded by the Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée.
  • a certificate awarded by the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici CIELS; the course is accredited as a training activity (2 CFU credits).
  • a certificate awarded by the Institut de Ciències de l’Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; the course is accredited as a permanent teacher training activity by the Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Registration fees :

  • €300 including meals on the course days (possibility of paying in 2 instalments [15 March – 1 June 2014] of €150).
  • Students: €150
  • Scholarships available

Accommodation :

Accommodation is available in single or double rooms (from €220 for the duration of the course, further information and other accommodation options will be sent to pre-registered candidates).

Pre-registration: (See attached form)

The number of participants is limited. On receipt of the pre-registration form, CIPA will inform applicants whether their application can be accepted.

Teaching team

  • Magali Boureux: Professor at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici, CIELS, Padova
  • Wivine Dreze: Lecturer (Culture and Linguistic Mediation Department), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (TI-EII), University of Mons
  • José Miguel Garcia Calero: Senior Lecturer (Culture and Linguistic Mediation Department) at the FTI-EII, UMons
  • Roser GAUCHOLA GAMARRA: Professor (Department of French and Romance Philology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB)
  • Marina Gioiella: teaching assistant, CIPA (Mons)
  • Bernard Harmegnies: Director of the Phonetics Laboratory (UMons)
  • Pietro Intravaia: former lecturer at the FTI-EII (UMons) and director of the verbo-tonal courses at the UMons
  • Joaquim Llisterri: Professor (Department of Spanish Philology, UAB)
  • Julio Murillo: Emeritus Professor (Department of French and Romance Philology, UAB)
  • Mylena Piccinelli: Lecturer (Culture and Linguistic Mediation Department), at the FTI-EII, University of Mons
  • Raymond Renard: Professor Emeritus (UMons), Managing Director of CIPA (Mons)
  • Mansour SAYAH: Professor at the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail
  • Guoxian Zhang: lecturer at the FTI-EII (UMons)
