AGEncias: Children’s agencies, vulnerability and education. Creation of transmedia narratives for inclusion
Programa de generación de conocimiento. Ref. PID2021-125108OB-I00 (2022-2025). PIs. Montserrat Rifà & Marta Bertran (UAB)
It studies children’s agencies in contemporary societies, to explore children’s vulnerabilities, belongings and life projects. It also faces, as societal challenges, the creation and communication of inclusive narratives to educate in the face of inequalities and promote good treatment. The research consists of interviews and an ethnography in regulated and non-regulated socio-educational spaces. t incorporates research based on the arts to build narratives (storytelling) with children in four different cities: Lleida, Santa Coloma, Barcelona and Terrassa. Project Website

ALLER-VERS: Transformer les cadres pour l’inclusion de tous // Outreach: Inclusive and Transformative Frameworks for All (YouthReach)
Erasmus+ programme. Ref. 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000033655. PIs. Virginie Poujol (Léris), Angelina Sánchez Martí (UAB)
It proposes a training course (which includes both theoretical and historical elements on social work practices, but also elements related to social intermediation), and a 6-step approach to experiment with the resolution of unsatisfactory situations in the support of young people (and not so young), involving the institutions concerned. These two productions (the training program and the intervention methodology) were developed collectively and are in the test phase in the different countries. Project Website

OTHER PEDAGOGIES: Transformations to educate in equality
Instituto de la mujer. Ref. 34/5ACT/21 (2022). PI Ingrid Agud
The legacy of educational knowledge presents the biases of a patriarchal structure. Feminist currents, inside and outside academia, have pointed out how knowledge supports multiple structures of oppression beyond the axis of gender. In this sense, it is necessary to incorporate voices and views from the margins that subvert pedagogical knowledge and practice. This questioning results in the commitment to a transgressive and anti-normative pedagogy that problematizes knowledge and educational practices from an intersectional perspective. Project Website