Dr. in Education and Society. Associate Professor Serra Húnter of the Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education Sciences. She has specialized in educational inequalities, particularly at the intersections of gender, sexuality, age and origin, from feminist pedagogies, gender studies and queer theory.

Doctoral student in the Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy. His research is located at the intersection between educational policy, comparative and international education and gender studies.

Dr. in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education Sciences. She has specialized in ethnographic research on childhood, migrant families and education in contexts of diversity and inequality.

Visiting researcher from Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain)
Dr. in Social Sciences. Cultural and social anthropologist, EU Commission expert (CERV-Daphne Program) and specialist in issues of equality, gender and the implementation of the human rights of children and adolescents, with an intersectional approach, for sustainable development. She is currently an international researcher within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resiliency Plan of Spain, NextGenerationEu.

Dr. in Gender Studies: Culture, Societies and Politics. She has specialized in feminist research methodologies and gender studies. Her lines of research are located at the intersection of critical pedagogies, the construction of teaching identity and research based on the arts.

Héctor Javier Chísica Hernández
Visiting researcher from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)
Doctoral student at the Doctoral Degree in Teaching at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad de los Andes. Degree in Philosophy and Theology. Master in Education; Master in Management and Management of Educational Institutions; Master in Philosophy, specialization in educational management.

Dr. in Education Sciences and lecturer in the didactics department of Musical, Plastic and Physical Expression of the Faculty of Education Science. Her experience as a video artist has led her to specialize in visual and arts-based research methodologies, which she applies to the study of body-space, learning and diversity from critical, feminist and of visual culture.

Dr. in Education, Society and Quality of Life. Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy. Her research focuses on young and LGBTQ girls protected by the protection system and their gender capital. She develops her research in childhood, youth and feminist pedagogies from intersectionality, feminist epistemologies and from a perspective of the ethics of care.

Dr. in Education. Experience in the training, design and development of social intervention and anti-racist awareness projects. Her research focuses on the fields of asylum and youth from an analysis of structural deficiencies and social inequalities that generate multiple forms of intersectional vulnerability.

Dr. in Visual Arts and Education, and designer. Professor at EINA, University Center for Design and Art (UAB). While activating research from the idea of Design Otherwise, she focuses on investigating the social transformation capacity of Design, especially applied to aspects of identity and in alliance with other areas such as pedagogy, anthropology, philosophy, art or politics.

Doctor in Education. She is a reception technician, collaborating professor at the UOC and at the postgraduate course in Gender Equality Policies in the Public Service (iiEDG). She has specialized in research with Moroccan mothers and school support and is a member of the unit against fascism and racism.

Dr. in Education. Research assistant at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Lleida (UdL). She has specialized in the study of inequalities and contexts of social vulnerability in youth and their impact on educational dynamics, within the framework of visual culture studies and the use of visual and participatory methodologies in the research

Doctoral student in the Applied Pedagogy Department of the Faculty of Education Sciences. Her research revolves around educational policy, gender studies and educational inequalities, specifically in the production and reproduction of identities, experiences and opportunities.

Dr. in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education Sciences. He is a specialist in migration, minorities and education and in the analysis of inequalities and the educational and social integration trajectories of young people.

Doctoral student in the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Body Expression of the Faculty of Education Sciences. Her thesis focuses on popular pedagogies and childhood in Colombia.

Dr. in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Equality technician at the Observatory for Equality of the UAB. She has specialized in the introduction of the gender dimension and perspective in research in social disciplines and STEM, and is an evaluator in this subject at the AEI and the ANEP. She is also a specialist in research, gender and migration in educational contexts.

Dr. in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Associate Professor Serra Húnter in the Didactics Department of Musical, Plastic and Body Expression of the Faculty of Education Sciences. She has specialized in curriculum studies, subjectivity and difference in arts education and in the use of visual research methodologies.

Dr. in Education and Society. Lecturer Serra Húnter of the Area of Research Methods and Diagnostics in Education of the Department of Applied Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education Sciences. She has specialized in esearch and knowledge production methodologies, and, among them, “other” methodologies, from which she analyzes the inequalities and experiences of vulnerability of education subjects.