We develop resources based on specific assignments or, also, as the results of the various investigations we carry out within the group.

Review of the adequacy of policies, programs and training and occupational measures for Roma youth of Barcelona to detect problems and thus contribute to alleviating the situation of inequality experienced by the Roma population of Barcelona.
Commissioned by: Barcelona Activa
Authors: Balint Abel Beremenyi, Angelina Sánchez-Martí, Cecilia Vergnano; in collaboration with the collective entities themselves.
Resulting publication: “Població jove gitana: formació i mercat laboral a Barcelona“ (April, 2023)

Recordings of the presentations of the 1st International Congress of Education and Gender, under the title “Other pedagogies: (transformation) to educate in equality”. The congress wanted to establish “a space for joint reflection on the construction and limits of educational knowledge, educated bodies, the curriculum and educational policies from their configuration at the state, regional and local level to their translation in teaching practices”. To achieve a dialogue involving all points of view, the congress was addressed to researchers, teachers, representatives of the public administration and all other agents of the educational community. In addition, the congress wanted to respond to the need to carry out “resolute action against sexist biases and other forms of discrimination in education and in the training of future educators (teachers, pedagogues, social educators)”.
Organization by: Grup de Recerca d’Educació i Gènere de la UAB.
Video documentation: I Congrés Internacional d’Educació i Gènere, sota el títol “Altres pedagogies: (trans)formacions per educar en igualtat”(November, 2022)

Document resulting from the project with the same name “Gender perspective in education” which contains a proposal for a conceptual framework to frame and make visible everything that encompasses the incorporation of what is known as “gender perspective” as a form of improve teaching quality at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB. In no case do we want to define a universal formula or an instruction manual, but this resource aims to generate a subversive scientific discourse against academic normality (Biglia and Bonet 2017).
Commissioned by: Materioal of the Research Group d’Educació i Gènere UAB.
Authorship: Grup d’Educació i Gènere de la Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació amb el suport dels projectes per a la Millora de la Qualitat Docent (Institut de
Ciències de l’Educació de la UAB), en la convocatòria 2018-2019.
Resulting publication: “Perspectiva de gènere en l’educació” (July, 2020)